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Arrests of eight people suspected of having links to ISIS in the United States renew concerns about a terrorist attack

Arrests of eight people suspected of having links to ISIS in the United States renew concerns about a terrorist attack


Washington — The arrest of eight Tajik nationals with suspected ties to ISIS has renewed concerns that the terrorist group or its affiliates could carry out an attack in the United States.

The arrests in Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia came as U.S. authorities had been warning for months about the potential for a terrorist attack and the United States was on heightened alert.

“I see flashing lights everywhere I turn,” FBI Director Christopher Wray told the Senate Judiciary Committee in December, telling lawmakers: “I've never seen a time where all the threats were this high permanently.”

In April, he warned that human smuggling operations at the U.S.-Mexico border were introducing people potentially linked to terrorist groups.

On Friday, the State Department announced that the United States and Turkey were imposing sanctions on three individuals with ties to ISIS who are attempting to facilitate travel to the United States.

Republican lawmakers used the arrests as the latest flashpoint in their call for tougher border measures.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina sent a letter to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York, and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, requesting a classified briefing for all senators detailing ISIS threats against the United States.

“I believe the threat is urgent,” the South Carolina Republican wrote, requesting a briefing before the Senate recess at the end of next week.

A spokesperson for Graham said he had not heard back. Spokespeople for Schumer and McConnell did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

In a speech on the Senate floor Wednesday, Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma called on officials to “wake up” and criticized the border enforcement process.

“We are literally living on borrowed time,” he said. “What really happens on a daily basis is that individuals who cross our border, we hope that the FBI can recover information on them after they are released into the country.”

The Tajik migrants crossed the U.S.-Mexico border without proper documentation and were summoned to appear in immigration court, according to a senior Department of Homeland Security official. Sources close to the operation said the individuals were screened by law enforcement upon entering the United States, and there was no indication they had ties to ISIS there. era.

There was no active terrorist plot, but sources said concerning information was brought to the attention of law enforcement, at least in part through a wiretap after the individuals were located in the USA.

“It's only a matter of time before one of these individuals linked to a terrorist group is involved in something devastating on American soil, and this administration will be responsible. How much longer will we let this madness continue?” Rep. Mark Green of Tennessee, GOP chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said in a statement Wednesday.

In an opinion piece he co-wrote before the arrests were reported, former acting CIA director Michael Morell said officials' warnings should be taken seriously.

“Combined, the stated intentions of terrorist groups, the increasing capabilities they have demonstrated in recent successful and failed attacks around the world, and the fact that several serious plots in the United States have been foiled, portend an uncomfortable conclusion but inevitable,” the report said. » says an article published in Foreign Affairs. “Simply put, the United States faces a serious threat of terrorist attack in the coming months.

Andres Triay, Robert Legare and Camilo Montoya-Galvez contributed reporting.

The fight against ISIS More More Caitlin Yilek




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