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US Open 2024 tee times: Round 3 full pairings and UK start times at Pinehurst | golf news

US Open 2024 tee times: Round 3 full pairings and UK start times at Pinehurst |  golf news


Rory McIlroy, 2 strokes behind 3 under par, will be paired with Tony Finau and tee off at the U.S. Open at 8:13 p.m.

Sky Sports will broadcast all matches of the third round live on Sky Sports Golf from 3pm on Saturday.

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Highlights from the second round of the US Open held at Pinehurst No. 2.

That's when we see world number one Scottie Scheffler begin his third round at 3:01pm after making the cut mark at 5 over par.

Overnight leader Ludvig Åberg is paired with Bryson DeChambeau for the final Saturday tee time at the US Open at 8.35pm (BST).

Image: Bryson DeChambeau is competing in his final race on Saturday with current leader Ludvig berg.

Patrick Cantlay and Thomas Detry (both one stroke ahead) play second at 8:24 p.m.

US Open Golf Live

Saturday, June 15th, 3pm

Grouping and tee times for the third round of the 124th US Open on Course 2 at Pinehurst Resort & Country Club in Pinehurst, North Carolina.

always BST; United States, unless specified; (x) represents amateur.

1344 Ryan Fox (Nzl), Sahis Tegalla

1355 Brooks Koepka, Francesco Molinari (Ita)

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Francesco Molinari hits a hole-in-one on No. 9 at Pinehurst to move inside the expected cut at the U.S. Open in surprising fashion!

1406 Matt Fitzpatrick (Eng), Max Grazerman

1417 Justin Lower, Dean Burmester (Rsa)

1428 Tom McKibbin (NIrl), Brandon Wu

1439 Luke Clanton (x), Brendan Todd

1450 Ben Coles, Shane Lowry (Irl)

1501 Cameron Young, Scotty Scheffler

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Scottie Scheffler showed his anger after throwing his putter and missing the putt while trying to make bogey on the 15th green.

1512 Tommy Fleetwood (Eng), Greyson Sigg

1523 Austin Eckrot, David Puig (Esp)

1539 Colin Morikawa, Keegan Bradley

1550 JT Poston, Wyndham Clark

1601 Aaron Rye (Eng), Neil Shipley (x)

1612 Kim Si-woo (Kor), Daniel Berger

1623 Matt Kuchar, Cameron Smith (Aus)

1634 Gunnar Broyne (x), Brian Campbell

1645 Martin Kaymer (Gers), Jordan Spieth

1656 Harris English, Christian Bezuidenhout (Rsa)

1707 Adam Svenson (Can), Mark Hubbard

1718 Isaiah Salinda, Davis Thompson

1729 Lee Min-woo (Aus), Emiliano Grillo (Arg)

1745 Denny McCarthy, Adam Scott (Australia)

1756 Chris Kirk, Jackson Subber

1807 Sepp Straka (Aut), Brian Harman

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Ryder Cup star Sepp Straka recorded a hole-in-one at the U.S. Open after previously hitting a pin and making triple bogey in the second round on the second hole at Pinehurst.

1818 Nico Echaveria (Col), Sam Bennett

1829 Nikolai Hoegaard (Den), Sanghyun Kim (Chorus)

1840 Frankie Cappan III, Taylor Pendris (Can)

1851 Russell Henry, Sergio Garcia (Esp)

1902 Stefan Jaeger (Ger), Sam Burns

1913 Billy Horschel, Jack Blair

1924 Corey Connors (Can), Tim Withing (Swe)

1940 Akshay Bhatia, Xander Schauffele

1951 Tyrrell Hatton (England), Tom Kim (Korea)

2002 Hideki Matsuyama (Japan), Mathieu Pabon (France)

2013 Tony Finau, Rory McIlroy (NIrl)

2024 Patrick Cantlay, Thomas Detri (Bell)

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Bryson DeChambeau shot a 1-under-par 69 in the second round of the U.S. Open at Pinehurst.

2035 Bryson DeChambeau, Ludwig Oberg

Who will be the third men's major winner this year? Watch the US Open live on Sky Sports. Live coverage of the third round begins at 3pm on Saturday through Sky Sports Golf. Stream the US Open and more with NOW.

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