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Soaring costs and 'apex predators': Inside the UK's music festival crisis | Ent & Arts News

Soaring costs and 'apex predators': Inside the UK's music festival crisis |  Ent & Arts News


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Independent festival organizers have expressed concerns about Live Nation's growth in the UK festival market.

The company, which also owns Ticketmaster, is currently being sued by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ). Regulators have accused the company of using illegal tactics to maintain its monopoly on the live music industry.

A Live Nation spokesperson described the claims as “baseless” and said the DoJ’s case “ignores the basic economics of live entertainment.” The company noted that the lawsuit does not make any charges related to the festival.

The last time government regulator the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) scrutinized activity related to festivals in the UK was in 2017, when Live Nation invested in the Isle Of Wight festival. This was an approved move.

Jimi Hendrix performed one of his final performances at the famous Isle Of Wight Festival in 1970.

Jimi Hendrix performed one of his final performances at the famous Isle Of Wight Festival in 1970.

Since the report, Live Nation has lost one of its bigger offerings, V Festival, but has invested in other events like Gone Wild and Big Smoke Festival.

Even Glastonbury doesn't seem to be exempt from needing help from the corporate sector. Melvin Benn, Managing Director of Festival Republic, worked with the festival from the 2000s until 2012, helping to expand and modernize the festival. He was reappointed as director in 2021.

Sky News understands full ownership remains with Michael Eavis and his family, including daughter Emily, who runs the festival, and there are no plans to sell any part of the business.

Glastonbury was started by farmer Michael Eavis (right) in 1970 and is now run by his daughter Emily (left). Photo: PA

Glastonbury was started by farmer Michael Eavis (right) in 1970 and is now run by his daughter Emily (left). Photo: PA

But industry insiders argue that Live Nation may gain some control.

Rostron says Glastonbury, which he calls “the biggest show on Earth,” looks different because it has stayed true to its independent roots despite its massive size.

“Glastonbury does a lot of collaboration with the independent community… many of our members are involved and run the stages and areas.” John Rostron, AIF CEO

He describes companies like Live Nation's Festival Republic as “giants” who sometimes “step in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Elton John played his final UK show at Glastonbury's Pyramid Stage in 2023.

Elton John played his final UK show at Glastonbury's Pyramid Stage in 2023.

Chloe Birkett, a member of the competition team at law firm Freeths, explains that under UK law, having a high market share does not necessarily mean you are doing anything wrong.

“What you need to look at is whether there is a dominant position, and whether there is abuse of that dominant position.” she says

“Just because you're a dominant player doesn't mean it's wrong or illegal. But you have a special obligation as a dominant player not to abuse that practice and not to act in an anti-competitive manner.”

Assessing dominance is “complicated,” she says. A turning point is not just the case when a company reaches a certain market share. In all its investigations, the CMA looks at the impact on consumers as well as smaller competitors.

Meanwhile, some promoters say they would not have survived without corporate investment. Boomtown Fair, known for its creative sets, sold a minority stake to Live Nation in 2022.

A Boomtown representative told Mixmag the decision was made after a “very difficult few years” due to COVID-19.

Chris Rutherford, co-founder of the festival, added: “We are still putting on shows, but this sale will help provide stability for the future.”




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