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US Open 2024 prize money and purse: Payouts for winner Bryson DeChambeau, fields record $21.5 million pool

US Open 2024 prize money and purse: Payouts for winner Bryson DeChambeau, fields record $21.5 million pool


A major championship and big money went to No. 2 Pinehurst as the United States Golf Association announced a record purse for the 2024 U.S. Open. Increasing the championship prize pool by $1.5 million this year, the USGA will pay out a total of $21.5 million after Sunday's festivities.

The biggest piece was two-time US Open champion Bryson DeChambeau, who won this year's national championship after a grueling one-shot final round against Rory McIlroy. DeChambeau took home a record first-place prize of $4.3 million for winning the 124th US Open, with McIlroy claiming $2.32 million as a consolation prize for failing at a major again.

The $4.3 million paid to DeChambeau represents the second-largest winner's check of 2024 behind only the $4.5 million earned by Scottie Scheffler for winning the Players Championship. Those who finish first at the PGA Tour's flagship events win $4 million, while Scheffler claimed $3.6 million at the Masters and Xander Schauffele took home $3.3 million at the PGA Championship.

Golfers who failed to take home the U.S. Open championship trophy on Sunday were still handsomely rewarded as the top four players all crossed seven figures. Everyone in the top 10 wins at least $500,000, and those in the top 20 take home around $250,000.

Players who missed the cut didn't leave empty-handed either, as the USGA once again awarded $10,000 to those who simply qualified for the championship.

Let's take a look at the 2024 US Open purse breakdown.

2024 US Open Prize Money and Scholarship

Total purse: $21.5 million

1st: $4,300,000 — Bryson DeChambeau2nd: $2,322,000 — Rory McIlroy3rd: $1,445,062 — Tony Finau, Patrick Cantlay ($1,229,051 each)4th: $1,013,040 5th: $843,765 – – Mattieu Pavon6th: $748,154 — Hide ki Matsuyama7th: $674,491 — Xander Schauffele, Russell Henley ($639,289 each)8th: $604,08969th: $546,720 — Davis Thompson, Corey Conners, Sam Burns ( $502,391 each)10th: $502,17411th: $458,28012th: $423,729 — Ludvigberg, Sergio Garcia ($409,279 each)13th: $394,82914th: $364,829 — Thomas Detry, Collin Morikawa ( $351,581 each)15th: $338,33216th: $316,602 — Tommy Fleetwood, Akshay Bhatia, Taylor Pendrith ($299,218 each)17th: $299,21818th: $281,834 19th: $26 4,450 – – Aaron Rai, Shane Lowry ($255,759 each) 20th: $247,067 21st: $232,073 — Stephan Jaeger, Max Greyserman, Daniel Berger, Min Woo Lee, Brian Harman ($203,607 each) 22nd: $217,080 23rd: $202,52124th: $189, 04825th: $177,31426th: $167,319 — Brooks Koepka, Tyrrell Hatton, Zac Blair, Chris Kirk, Neal Shipley (a), Tom Kim ($153,281 each)27th: 159,713 $28th: ​​$152,977 $29th: $146,458 $30th: $139,93,931: $133,420 32nd: $126,901 — JT Poston, Adam Scott, Keegan Bradley, Cameron Smith, Christiaan Bezuidenhout, Denny McCarthy, Sahith Theegala, Isaiah Salinda (110,894 $ each) 33rd: 120 38 $ 23rd: $ 114,51 535th: $ 109,735 36th: $ 104, 95437th: 100 39 $ 138th: $ 96,045 39th: 91 699 $ 40th: 87 353 $ 41E: 83 007 $ — Frankie Capan, Jordan Spieth, Tom McKibbin, Luke Clanton (a), Billy Horschel, Scottie Scheffler, Tim Widing, Harris English, Emiliano Grillo ($72,305 each)42nd: $78,661 3rd: $74,31544th: $69,969 45th: $65,623 46th: $61,712 47th: $57,801 48th: $54,107 49th: $51,934 450th: $49,761 – Justin Lower, Nicolai Hojgaard, Marc Hubbard, Matt Kuchar ($51,065 each) )51st: $48,45752nd: $47,37053rd: $46,50154th: $46,067 — Nico Echavarria ($47,370)55th: $45,632 — David Puig ($46,501)56th: $45,197 – – Sepp Straka, Ryan Fox, SH Kim, Wyndham Clark, Greyson Sigg, Brian Campbell, Adam Svensson, Ben Kohles ($44,546 each)57th: $44,76358th: $44,32859th: $43,89460th: $43,45961 e: $43,024 2nd: $42,590 63rd: $42,155 64th: $41,721 — Martin Kaymer, Francesco Molinari, Matt Fitzpatrick ($42,155 each) 65th: $41,286 66th: $40 85 167th: 40,417 $ — Cameron Young, Brendon Todd ($41,286 each)68th: $39,98269th: $39,548 — Dean Burmester ($40,417)70th: $39,113 – Brandon Wu ($39,982), Gunnar Broin ( a)71st: $38,67872nd: Samuel Bennett ($39,548)73rd: Jackson Suber ($39,113)74th: Austin Eckroat ($38,678)




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