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Noah Lyles, ShaCarri Richardson and Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone aim to secure spots

Noah Lyles, ShaCarri Richardson and Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone aim to secure spots


Many of the world's fastest athletes will travel to Eugene, Oregon, on Friday for the U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials.

For eight days, Noah Lyles, Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, ShaCarri Richardson and other notable Americans will compete for a spot at the 2024 Paris Games. The top three finishers in most events will qualify for the Olympics.

This weekend's highlight meets include the men's and women's 100 meter finals. Lyles is seeking to become the world's fastest man, a title an American hasn't held in 28 years. Hell faces competition from 2019 world champion Christian Coleman and teenage sensation Christian Miller, a high school senior who held the world's best time this year for nearly two months before the 100-meter gold medalist of Tokyo does not eclipse it.

Those long odds didn’t deter Lyles.

World records are meant to be broken, he told NBC Philadelphia. It's just another goal to check off the list, and it's always fun to aim for the top. I still have Olympic gold medals to win. I still have records to break. Why aim for the clouds when you can aim for the stars?

In the women's 100 meters event, Richardson is aiming to set her own records and achieve her Olympic dream after missing out on participation in the Tokyo 2020 Games after testing positive for cannabis.

Richardson took responsibility for his actions in an interview on NBC's TODAY show.

I know what I did, she said at the time. I know what I'm supposed to do. I know what I'm allowed not to do, and I made that decision anyway.

Richardson posted his best 100 meter time at the 2023 World Championships in Budapest, Hungary, in August. Her time of 10.65 seconds was just off the world record of 10.49 seconds set by American star Florence Griffith-Joyner in 1988.

Meanwhile, world record holder Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone will aim to defend her 400 meters hurdles title. This week, McLaughlin-Levrone confirmed to the Associated Press that she would not compete in the 400-meter and 200-meter flat events as originally planned, to focus on her first love.

I think we kind of knew we wanted to get back to hurdles, she said. Last year it was fun to try the [400-meter flat race] and I sort of get involved in it. In the future we might come back to that as well, but I think that's kind of our focus at the moment.

McLaughlin-Levrone has set world records at the Olympic Trials, first in 2021 and three times since, with her most recent record coming at the 2022 world championships.

In the women's 800-meter event, Olympic champion Athing Mu, a New Jersey native, is expected to make her season debut. She has only competed once since winning bronze at the World Championships last year.

Mu, 22, became the youngest woman to hold medals in athletics after winning gold in the 800 meters at the 2020 Tokyo Games.

For the field events, world record holder Ryan Crouser will compete in the shot put, alongside Joe Kovas. On the women's side, world champion Chase Jackson is looking to qualify for Paris after finishing fifth in trials for the Tokyo Games.

The U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials for the 2024 Paris Games will be broadcast live on NBC, USA and Peacock Friday-Monday and June 27-30.




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