British Army Chief of Staff: It Takes Three Years to Prepare for War

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The British military has three years to prepare for war, according to its new chief of staff, who has unveiled an ambitious reform programme to equip the military for modern warfare.
General Rollie Walker said on Tuesday there was an urgent need to modernise Britain's military as geopolitical threats from Russia, China, Iran and North Korea grew.
“We are not on an inevitable path, but there is an absolute urgency to restore a credible, strong force to underpin our deterrence,” Walker told a British military conference.
He called his reforms plans, not wars, and said they would give Britain a military strong enough to deter its enemies and make them think twice.
Walker said Russia had emerged as a very dangerous presence in the Ukraine war and would seek revenge, but that the conflict could eventually end.
The lesson from history is that Russia will not forget and will come back and seek revenge for its support for Ukraine, he told reporters at an event hosted by the Royal United Services Institute think tank in London.
Walker, who took over as British commander in June, said the three-year timetable was a combination of factors.
The first is Russia's ability to rebuild its military, which Western officials estimate could take three to five years after a ceasefire in Ukraine.
The second is that Chinese President Xi Jinping said he wanted a military option against Taiwan by 2027-28. The third is Iran's ability to build nuclear weapons.
So we've reached the midpoint of 2027-28, Walker added. One problem is [country] It's likely to spark sympathetic outbursts elsewhere. This is a global problem.
As Britain's new government begins a review of its military ahead of announcing last week that it will increase defence spending from 2.3% of GDP to 2.5%, Walker offers a sobering assessment of the threats facing Western nations.
His comments came after British Defence Secretary John Healy told a meeting that the situation for Britain's military was far worse than he had thought when he was in opposition.
Walker said his reform plan would see the British military double its lethality within three years and triple it by 2030.
To achieve this, he said, the British Army must abandon its mindset as a large army and embrace new technologies using artificial intelligence-based software.
Walker said he wanted to create a military internet of things that would allow the British military to detect threats from twice as far away. [away]It cuts decision time in half, uses half the ammo, and is effective at twice the range.
He acknowledged that there were numerous difficulties that he could not overcome as much as he had hoped.
But Walker cited the example of the Ukrainian military, which defeated a much larger Russian force with the help of Western military support and smart software developed by British coders.
This is not science fiction, he added. If we could double or triple our fighting power, any British ground force could destroy an army at least three times its size and continue to do so.
The British Army currently numbers just 75,000 soldiers, its smallest size since the mid-19th century.
But Walker said size is a flawed way to measure military effectiveness, thanks to modern technologies like drone swarms, precision missiles with multiple warheads and smart munitions.
Some still believe that sheer numbers of troops determine fighting power. Walker said that was outdated. I don't need more troops, and I don't need more money.
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