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UN adviser says it's 'a dark day for human rights in the UK' after Just Stop Oil activists are jailed | Climate News

UN adviser says it's 'a dark day for human rights in the UK' after Just Stop Oil activists are jailed | Climate News


Five Just Stop Oil activists have been jailed for up to two years for scaling a bridge over the M25 motorway and causing temporary traffic disruption.

For many of the 181,000 drivers the Highways Agency estimates will be delayed by a four-day, coordinated traffic disruption campaign in November 2022, it may feel like justice has been served.

However, there is international criticism that sentences for non-violent protests are becoming increasingly harsh.

“There is no justification for a sentence that is punishable by death,” said Raj Chadha, a lawyer with Hodge Jones & Allen representing one of the activists, a 77-year-old woman.

“These sentences have traditionally been applied to violent crimes, and we have always said in Britain that any protest, even an act of disruption, is acceptable because it is non-violent,” Mr Chadha said.

The latest sentences of between two years and 20 months follow sentences of between four and five years handed down to Just Stop Oil campaigners who planned and recruited volunteers for the M25 protests in July.

“This is a very dark day for fundamental human rights in the UK,” wrote UN Special Rapporteur on the protection of the environment Michelle Forst, speaking at the trial at Southwark Crown Court.

Image: Photo: Just Stop Oil

Government under pressure

The previous government, under pressure to tackle organised environmental campaigns such as Just Stop Oil, Insulate Britain and Extinction Rebellion, passed legislation increasing the maximum sentences judges could hand down in protest cases.

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But the changes are “draconian”, according to Tim Lancaster, the ex-husband of Louise Lancaster, who was jailed for four years for her role in the M25 closure scheme.

“I always grew up believing in freedom of speech and the idea that we should talk to people.

“What is certain is that these laws oppress people.”

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2:36 Concerns about the JSO ruling

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According to Mr. Chada, this week's sentencing speaks to those concerns.

A sixth M25 protester to be sentenced at Basildon Crown Court was given a 24-month suspended sentence after saying he did not want to take part in the Just Stop Oil movement.

“It should not be part of the court's function to consider what a defendant's political views are,” said attorney Chada.

Mr. Chada said Just Stop Oil is not a banned organization.

He added that “the courts seem to be going too far and punishing people for simply supporting or associating with legitimate organizations.”

Image: Photo: Essex Police/PA

'The consequences of extreme activists'

According to former government advisers, the need to curb harsh punishments for non-violent disruption is needed, as Just Stop Oil staged another protest this week, spray-painting and staging a sit-in at the airport.

“These sentences are somewhat surprising and lengthy, but they send a message that extreme activists’ actions have consequences,” said Lord Walney, who led the Home Office’s 2021 review of political violence and extremism.

Image: Just Stop Oil Protesters continued to attack iconic British landmarks as part of their protests. Photo: Just Stop Oil

Asked whether it intended to review or replace the changes made by the previous government to the protest law, the Home Office said: “We recognise the democratic right of people to be free to express their views peacefully, but they must do so within the bounds of the law. Protest organisers must co-operate fully with the police.”

But the issue may not be ignored. Lawyers representing some of the Just Stop Oil activists convicted in two recent court cases said they would appeal the sentences.

The appeal court has previously upheld a judge's ruling in a protest case, meaning Britain's recent crackdown on environmental activists is likely to end up before the European Court of Human Rights.




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