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U.S. women's soccer team wins gold medal at Paris Olympics

U.S. women's soccer team wins gold medal at Paris Olympics


The United States women's national soccer team (USWNT), reinvigorated by a revamped coaching staff and a roster of dynamic young players positioned to keep the team at the top of the standings for the next decade or more, won Olympic gold on Saturday at the Parc des Princes, beating Brazil 1-0 in the final. The U.S. team, which had not won an Olympic gold medal since London 2012 and was eliminated from last year's World Cup in the round of 16, the earliest exit in history for an American team, returns to its familiar position as the team to beat.

After a scoreless first half, where Brazil attacked early and often, with a goal attempt in the second minute and a fantastic chance in injury time that U.S. goalkeeper Alyssa Naeher blocked, Mallory Swanson scored the opener for the U.S. in the 57th minute, with a barely defended run down the left side, off a pass from Korbin Albert. Sophia Smith was closer to the ball, but Swanson realized Smith was offside. “I was like, don’t touch, don’t touch that,” Swanson said. But then it was my turn to score off a pass from Albert. Swanson had an earlier chance to score and couldn’t put the ball in the back of the net. In the first half, I had an opportunity [that was] a little similar and I didn't put it aside, she said. So, mentally, I was [en]When she did score, it reinvigorated the Americans, who followed with a few more crowd-pleasing chances but were thwarted by the Brazilian defenders.

In added time, Naeher made a superb one-handed save to preserve the victory.

Emma Hayes, the Briton who won seven Women's Super League titles with Chelsea FC and was chosen by U.S. soccer officials late last year to reorganize the USWNT, joined the team after leading Chelsea to another title in May and gold in her first global competition as head coach. Hayes made several key changes. First, she gave the players renewed confidence in the team's tactical approach and praised the groundwork that had been done before she took over as head coach. “It was a real change that made my job easier when I came in. I truly believe I came in at the right time,” Hayes said.

“The learning that we get in meetings, on the field, everything that we learn, that’s probably what I enjoy the most,” U.S. captain Lindsey Horan said before the Olympics. “Seeing the players really think, ask questions and be challenged, that’s what we need.”

Hayes made the difficult decision to leave American legend Alex Morgan off the Olympic roster. But it allowed her to add a trio of fierce strikers, Swanson (26), Sophia Smith (24) and Trinity Rodman (22), to do the scoring. The group, dubbed Triple Trouble by former USWNT player Christen Press and The Triple Express by an American fan interviewed by a boisterous Parc des Princes announcer before the game, rewarded Hayes’ faith. They scored 10 of the USWNT’s 12 Olympic goals. Rodman curled a stunning shot into the top left corner of the goal in overtime against Japan in the quarterfinals. Smith scored late in the semifinal against Germany to give the United States a 1-0 victory and Swanson scored the gold-medal goal.

After the win, Hayes attributed the victory to the team's unwavering belief in themselves, despite the arrival of the World Cup, a trait she, as a Briton, believes she shares with the Americans. Winning is in my DNA and it's part of [their] “It’s the DNA and that mentality that makes me love this country,” she said. “That’s why I’m made for this, because of that never-say-die mentality and just give it your all and fight and strive to get there. We find things in ourselves that weren’t there before.”

She acknowledged that the United States had given her opportunities early in her career and said: America meant more to me than most people think. I was 20 years old and came from a pretty staid society that didn't welcome women into football and I went to America and they looked after me, nurtured me, opened doors for me and gave me opportunities that England never gave me. And I'm so happy, so happy to be able to return the favour.

She added that in just the two months she's been leading the USWNT, I've had an explosion of fins. I've felt lighter than I've felt in a long, long time; I felt like I was in college at times.

That lightness also carried over to the players, who spoke of the joy they felt in practice and playing with Hayes. “We all play with joy, we have a lot of fun,” Swanson said.

American soccer fans turned out in Paris in droves, as expected, wearing the red-white-and-blue jerseys of Rodman, Smith, Horan and Naomi Girma. Girma, 24, played every minute of the Olympic tournament, proving she is one of the best defensive players in the world. The jerseys of Morgan and Megan Rapinoe were noticeably absent. And they may not be back anytime soon, as a new generation of the U.S. women’s national team put the world on notice. “We know there’s so much more in us,” co-captain Lindsey Horan said. “There’s so much more potential in how we can play, how we can break opponents down. My goodness, to see the potential for 2027.” [in the World Cup]I'm very excited. The USWNT has turned the page. The teams are in golden hands.




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