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USA, China to battle for most Olympic gold medals (40-40)

USA, China to battle for most Olympic gold medals (40-40)


PARIS The United States and China each won 40 gold medals in the first Summer Games draw in Olympic history, with the Americans tied Sunday with a victory in the final event, women's basketball.

The United States tied China with a thrilling 67-66 victory over France in an incredibly tight game for women's basketball gold.

China entered Sunday's day with a 39-38 advantage over the United States, with the Americans appearing to have a slight edge as the United States sought its eighth consecutive women's basketball gold medal and second consecutive women's volleyball title.

A series of results were revealed in the middle of the afternoon to shape the final ranking.

China's Li Wenwen won gold in heavyweight weightlifting, which could have spelled the end for U.S. hopes of winning the overall gold. U.S. hopes were further dashed when Chicago native Kennedy Blades, who made a surprising run to the gold medal in wrestling, lost to her 76-kilogram rival, Yuka Kagami of Japan. In a masterstroke, Italy knocked the U.S. out of the room with a 25-18, 25-20, 25-17 victory in volleyball. Decorated cyclist Jennifer Valente of San Diego saved the U.S. by defending her gold medal in the women's omnium. Gold medalist Noah Lyles of Team USA celebrates on the podium during the men's 100-meter medal ceremony at the Paris Olympics on Monday. Cameron Spencer/Getty Images

That allowed the heavily favored Americans to take care of business, which they narrowly did to win their eighth consecutive gold medal.

I didn't know until someone told me after the game, but I'm happy that we won for ourselves and for USA basketball, but also for the whole Team USA delegation so we can tie the game, WNBA MVP Breanna Stewart told reporters after the gold medal game.

U.S. coach Cheryl Reevewryly smiled and said she knew what was at stake before the game against France, but suggested she hadn't told the players anything.

I saw the medal count in advance, that's true, she said with a smile. That's what we need, more pressure.

The last time the United States didn't win the most gold medals this summer was in Beijing in 2008, when the hosts beat the visiting Americas to the top of the podium, 48-36.

Although there has never been a tie for the gold medal in the history of the Summer Games, there have been three ties for the gold medal at the Winter Olympics.

The most recent draw was between Norway and Germany, each of whom won 14 gold medals at PyeongChang 2018.

The United States still finished with the most medals overall, with 126 medals won in Paris this year.

The United States did not miss out on winning its most medals since 1992, when the unified team, composed of athletes from the former republics of the Soviet Union, won 112 medals, including 45 gold. The Americans reached the podium 108 times in Barcelona, ​​including 37 on the top step.

Gold medalist Simone Biles of Team USA poses during the medal ceremony for the women's all-around final in artistic gymnastics on August 1. Jamie Squire/Getty Images

The 40 gold medals won in 329 events correspond to 12.1% of the cases of victories. This is a slight increase compared to Tokyo (11.4%), but a decrease compared to Rio (15%) and London (15.8%).

The Americans' efforts in Paris are perhaps best illustrated by the American swimmers who won the most medals and golds, but left feeling like they left some equipment behind.

Silver medalist Anastasiia Kirpichnikova of France, gold medalist Katie Ledecky of the United States and bronze medalist Isabel Gose of Germany stand on the podium in the women's 1,500-meter freestyle swimming event at the Olympic Games on July 31. Jonathan Nackstrand / AFP – Getty Images

While veteran Katie Ledecky was the American star here, with two golds, a silver and a bronze, the spotlight was stolen by France's Lon Marchand, who won four golds, a bronze and four Olympic records, and Canadian prodigy Summer McIntosh, with three golds and a silver.

Despite their sporting rivalry, the United States and China are not equal in many disciplines. One of the few places where they compete on equal terms is in the swimming pool.

One of the most important moments of the 40-40 draw came a week ago on Sunday, when China won the 4×100-meter medley relay thanks to 100-meter freestyle ace Pan Zhanle, who edged out the silver medalists from the United States.

“It wasn't a bad meet at all,” American swimmer Caeleb Dressel said of his team.

The goal of the Olympics and the world championships is to win gold medals. Other countries are dominating the market, like Australia and the United States. But in these Games, I saw a lot of things from Italy, China and France. So the wealth has been distributed. I don't think we are getting worse.

American Lee Kiefer, center, American Lauren Scruggs, left, and Canadian Eleanor Harvey celebrate on the podium during the women's foil medal ceremony on July 28. Patrick Smith/Getty Images

Many countries that are not usually within a javelin throw of the podium have produced multiple medalists in the past two weeks.

Before landing in Paris, Israel held only 13 Summer Olympic medals, seven of which were won here.

Ecuador won five medals, more than double its summer total.

Kyrgyzstan has reached the podium six times, which is impressive considering the Central Asian nation arrived in Paris with just seven Olympic medals in its history.

Before Paris 2024, Moldova had won six titles in its national history. The small ex-Soviet republic made four appearances on the podium in Paris.

David K. Li reported from Paris and Sean Nevin from London.




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