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UK universities must cut costs to survive, warns Augar

UK universities must cut costs to survive, warns Augar


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The author of a major recent report into the UK's education system for over-18s has warned that the UK's university sector will have to tighten its belt and accept the need for job cuts and restructuring if it is to justify calls for increased government funding.

Sir Philip Auger, who chaired the 2018 Auger Review, said while it was legitimate for a cash-strapped education sector to call for more support amid rising inflation, a tuition freeze and falling support for international students, continued fiscal discipline was also needed.

He told the Financial Times that universities, like all organisations, must operate within their means and be prepared to restructure if necessary.

He added that failing colleges may need bailouts or restructuring teams to work with existing management to reduce or streamline benefits provided to students.

Philip Augar estimates that around half of the UK's 140 universities are facing deficits. Daniel Leal/AFP via Getty Images

Oger said this ahead of the release of A-level and BTec results on Thursday, which are expected to see a slight drop in university applications, leaving some institutions struggling to fill places with domestic students who pay up to $9,250 a year to study.

The sector is facing increasing financial stress as the number of international students who typically pay $20,000 to $30,000 in tuition fees has dropped significantly this year.

With figures dropping by up to 50%, many lower-ranked universities are struggling to attract domestic talent to make ends meet, with more than 50 already announcing course closures, staff cuts and voluntary layoff programs.

Auger estimates that around half of the UK's 140 universities are facing financial difficulties, with a handful more likely to breach their financial obligations and need a rescue.

While Oger acknowledged that high inflation and a decade-long tuition freeze were partly to blame, he said the decision to triple tuition from $3,000 to $9,000 in 2012 had led to some profligacy in the sector.

While most responded responsibly to the sudden surge and planned for a safe future, some overextended and borrowed as the era of low interest rates ended in the 2010s.

But while Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has ruled out a bailout for struggling universities, Auger, a former investment banker, said it would be neither fair nor wise for the government to allow any individual institution to fail.

It's unfair to the students who earn their degrees from these institutions, and it's unwise for the towns and cities where they are located, because colleges are a vital economic driver for local economies.

So I think regulators and the Department of Education need to step in. That doesn’t have to mean huge bailouts, but it could mean encouraging mergers or bringing in turnaround teams to work with existing management to reduce or streamline student offerings, he added.

Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson rules out bailout for universities Jordan Pettit/PA

Phillipson also said the government would not increase tuition fees to £9,250 as demanded by the university lobby group Universities UK, and in a BBC interview in July the government said it had no plans to do so.

But Oger said he believed that in the medium term, more cash needed to be injected into the system to preserve the quality of UK higher education, preferably through increased government grants to universities. The alternative would be to increase tuition fees and maintenance loans.

He added that recent changes to the student loan repayment system would mean that the increase would cost the government relatively little, and with Labor in the majority, now is the time in the political cycle to do it.




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