The Rumored It Ends With Us Casting Drama, Explained

Top line
TikTok is rife with theories claiming that the It Ends With Us cast, including actor-producer Blake Lively and actor-director Justin Baldoni, had a falling out while promoting their new film adaptation of Colleen Hoover's popular novel, citing a lack of joint press events and reports of post-production disagreements.
Blake Lively stars in “It Ends With Us,” directed and co-starring Justin Baldoni. (Photo by John … [+] (Nacion/Variety via Getty Images)
Variety via Getty Images Key Facts
Unnamed sources told The Hollywood Reporter that there was a rift among the filmmakers in post-production and that Lively, who was a producer on the film, had commissioned her own version of the film from editor Shane Reid, who was the editor on her husband Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool & Wolverine film.
Another source told The Hollywood Reporter that Lively's cut may not indicate a feud, as it's not uncommon for a film to go through multiple cuts during post-production and the production team has agreed on the final cut.
Fans have also analyzed the stars' social media activity, noting that Baldoni follows both Hoover, who also served as an executive producer, and Lively, while neither follows Baldoni.
Lively said Reynolds wrote a scene from the book that is reportedly a fan favorite, sparking speculation that there were conflicts with Baldoni over creative control, though multiple anonymous sources told The Hollywood Reporter that Reynolds did not write the entire scene.
Lively told Hits Radio UK about a confrontation she had on set (which she said she wasn't supposed to talk about), though she didn't specify who it was with, saying they begged her to remove a Lana Del Rey song from the film.
Forbes has reached out to representatives for Lively and Baldoni for comment.
Surprising fact
Most of the It Ends With Us cast appeared in a video for Vanity Fair on Monday in which they test how well they know each other, including Lively and five of her co-stars, but not Baldoni. Many commenters on the YouTube video asked where Baldoni was. There is no cast without Justin Baldoni, it makes no sense, the most liked comment reads.
Baldoni has praised Lively's performance and contributions as a producer throughout the It Ends With Us press tour. Baldoni appeared on the Today Show Thursday and called Lively a dynamic creative, saying that everything she touched, she made better. Baldoni also told People Thursday that he was fascinated by Lively, who ticked all the boxes to be cast in the lead role. He told Cosmopolitan that he knew she was Lily, the film's main character, after they first met and said Lively was very involved during production and had incredible ideas.
Fans have claimed that the It Ends With Us cast has avoided talking about Baldoni during the press tour. Lively has seemingly steered clear of comments about Baldoni in interviews, not mentioning her co-star and director by name during interviews with Capital FM, CBS Mornings, or Good Day New York. Access Hollywood asked Lively how she handled her chemistry with Baldoni and how Lively choreographed some of the intimate scenes, but in her response, she did not address Baldoni and instead discussed the importance of intimacy coordinators and praised Hoover as a great filmmaker. An interview clip from Jenny Slate, who also starred in the film, gained attention on social media because Slate apparently avoided a question about Baldoni. A Deadline reporter asked Slate what it was like working with Baldoni as a director and scene partner, and Slate said it must be difficult to balance two jobs, let alone mention Baldoni by name, and that she herself would rather just act.
Large number
$50 million. That's how much It Ends With Us grossed in its opening weekend, ranking second at the box office, just behind Lively's husband Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool & Wolverine movie, which grossed $54.2 million. The film has exceeded expectations: Deadline had previously projected it would make over $30 million in its opening weekend.
Chief Critics
It Ends With Us received mixed reviews from critics. It has a score of 58% on Rotten Tomatoes based on 136 reviews, with the critics' consensus stating that the dialogue is clumsy, though seriously delivered. Associated Press critic Mark Kennedy said the film fails to balance the realities of domestic violence in a romantic comedy and a female empowerment film. Guardian critic Benjamin Lee said the film is a plot of tired soap opera tropes, but said Lively and Baldoni have effective chemistry.
Further reading
Did Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni Have a Fallout Over It Ends With Us? Investigative TikTokers Think So (The Hollywood Reporter)
It Ends with Us actor Justin Baldoni praises co-star Blake Lively amid feud rumours (The Independent)
Moviegoers Are Falling in Love With It Ends With Us: Blake Lively Pic Banks $7 Million in Thursday Previews Box Office Update (Deadline)
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