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Love Is Blind: UK Recap, Episodes 5-9

Love Is Blind: UK Recap, Episodes 5-9


Love is blind UK

Week 2 (Episodes 5-9)

Season 1 Episodes 5 – 8

Editor's Rating: 5*****

Photo: Netflix

Poor Freddie. All he wanted to do was date someone who didn't know how great he was, and spend the rest of his life cuddling on the couch watching movies. Instead, the sexy mortician got caught up in a perfect storm of bad communication, miserable shopping, and unnecessarily awkward conversations about money. Love Is Blind: UK may have cast more mature couples than other versions of the show, but alas, the drama gets to us all.

Last week kept us in the loop for way too long, but this mega-episode batch makes up for lost time. Our Greek honeymoon was so intense that Demi and Ollie almost jumped ship (more on that later), and things start to go wrong from there. Anxiety is bubbling, parental anger is boiling, and there’s good news for the curious me: people are debating their financial futures. As someone whose assets consist of two dogs, a modest-sized TV, and two dozen dusty tubes of lipstick, it’s always fun to see what people with real assets think about money.

But back to the honeymoon for a second: First, Nicole shows up with Benaya to everyone's surprise. She realizes that she made a mistake choosing Sam in the pod, and thankfully Benaya is still all about her. When these two show up, everyone loses their minds and hugs Benaya in a group hug, which further confirms that Sam is as terrible as we thought. After that, basically all the honeymoon drama revolves around the love square between Ollie, Demi, Kat, and Freddie.

Ollie and Kat believe that Ollie is telling the truth when he says that he did something at Ford before he chose Demi and that Ollie didn’t connect as deeply with Kat as he did with Demi, but when Kat takes him aside to talk, he can’t help but lick his lips. It’s disgusting. The other couples see the tension growing between Ollie and Demi and suspect that he might not be interested in her. Is this a typical case of a shallow guy who usually chases Instagram hotties suddenly freaking out? Or is he just projecting a little bit while people like Demi’s fiercely protective Ford friend Jasmine continue to probe what’s going on in Ollie’s head?

Demi and Ollie seem to drain each other of their energy in Greece, and neither of them can communicate like they would if their lives depended on it, but I don't know how I would feel if I was Demi and everyone kept implying that my man didn't like me. Ollie is convinced that outside noise interferes with their relationship. At first I thought this was bullshit, but after moving in together in London and getting along, I'm starting to think maybe they just wanted everyone to leave them alone.

Freddie is a pure-hearted man, and generally stays out of this mess, telling Kat that he'll protect her. But when he admits to cheating on his partner seven years ago, you can see the storm brewing. Kat claims that every man she's ever dated has cheated on her, and tells Freddie that she sticks to an old credo: once you cheat, always you cheat. That means there's not much room for progress in their relationship.

I'm not saying that cheating is acceptable or that cheaters shouldn't be held accountable for their past behavior. But if past promiscuity was a total deal-breaker for Kat, wouldn't she have been able to ask that question during the millions of hours we spent at Ford? Things don't get any easier when these two move in together in Camden.

The best example I can think of of Cat and Freddie’s miserable mood is that damned shopping trip where she’s wandering around looking at tacky clothes and he’s making harmless jokes about the various items on the shelves (which, to be clear, aren’t the items she’s picking out). You can feel the heat rising in Cat’s cheeks. When Freddie dares to show affection through physical contact, she says, “I’m not a dog. Don’t pet me like a dog.” Later, she complains to her friend that he’s not physically assertive enough. Cat insists that she’s still not hung up on the flirting talk. It’s just that the mood doesn’t match. Maybe that’s true. Either way, she perks up noticeably when she sees his large, carefully decorated home.

Here we should pause to discuss Freddie’s decorating style. His home is a work in progress, with not a single door on its hinges yet, but if you ignore that, you’ll notice a careful aesthetic curation: a cool color palette of baby blue, silver, charcoal, and cream; an accent wall covered in geometric wallpaper; and sparkling silver mirrors and crystal doorknobs. Freddie’s home is the antithesis of a boy’s room. It’s an expression of creativity that’s both intriguing and engaging. Freddie may not be the next Bobby Berk, but he’s done a great job with this home!

Here we move onto the prenuptial agreement. Freddie finally tells Cat that he’s uncomfortable with the idea of ​​her getting a claim to his property because of their marriage. Will she be okay with him drafting a document that bequeaths her worldly possessions to her sister, Betsy-Dora? (Betsy-Dora, by the way, has secretly expressed concern to Freddie that Cat is making her feel inferior.) Reader, she won’t be okay with it! Cat’s friends, who seem to be hanging out with Anna Delvey, also don’t like the idea of ​​a prenuptial agreement. In the finale preview, it looks like Cat and Freddie will end up at the altar, but I have a feeling it’ll be a no-no.

The good news is that Sabrina and Steven, your OTP and my OTP, are still looking like a definite yes. They are the very definition of engaged bliss. He makes her pancakes by cracking eggs with one hand, and she charms her friends and brother, who all think the experiment is stupid. Her mom and sister are skeptical but hopeful, and in the meantime, I sit on the floor and write their names in bubble letters and draw little hearts around them. As for adult premarital arrangements, Sabrina has also decided to hold onto her flat in Belfast, just in case. So you know these two are 30-somethings with good heads on their shoulders.

I really don't know about Nicole and Benaya. They're ridiculously cute together, but his sister suspects he can't stay in one place. Ben likes Nicole, but I wonder if his feelings are that strong since he's been single for over a decade. In a normal situation, they could date long enough to learn and figure out all of each other's annoying habits. But here? Especially since they're still at odds with her Ford ex-boyfriend Sam, it seems risky. Of course, Sam showed up at the cast mixer.

Ugh, Sam. Just looking at this guy makes me want to throw a metal wine glass at the TV screen. Nicole gives him back his bracelet and engagement ring, and even tells him that she thinks he was misunderstood, and I'm like, oh, please. But Benaya clearly can't stand Nicole wanting to believe that her past relationship was based on something real. Meanwhile, Nicole doesn't seem to want to tell Benaya what happened between her and Sam. Instead, she cuts off the conversation when Sam brings up the idea of ​​sleeping with him. Every woman has the right to be careful, but Benaya can't seem to move on until she actually addresses this issue. I really enjoy watching these two hanging out in the vineyard, but it doesn't seem to be getting the juice out of it in the long run.

Another couple I have a problem with is Tom and Maria. Like Kat and Freddie, they have very different visions of finances. Tom initially assumed Maria was a makeup artist, but she’s not. As she tells the producer, “Who the hell are you?” Maria is flexible about some aspects of her Muslim faith, but she still wants her husband to be a traditional breadwinner. Tom and his sisters are both offended by this. I don’t blame their beliefs, but it’s weird to me that Maria offered to pay for ice cream on their first date and Tom left her alone. First, it’s just ice cream, not dinner at Nobu, and second, it feels like a weird trap. Why offer to pay for something and then berate your partner for accepting?

At the same time, oh my, they're so cute together. Their relationship is dynamite, and when she jokes that he's disgusting and repulsive, my heart melts. Tom's devotion to Maria is unwavering when he sees his Ford ex Natasha at a cocktail party, and Maria's family is understandably skeptical, but they seem to love Tom too. Still, if these two get married, she'll have to decide whether or not to help pay off the mortgage.

Meanwhile, Jasmine and Barbie are still completely on the same page. They wear face masks, talk about her insecurities about him rubbing up against sexy dancers in old music videos, and invite her extremely protective mom Marissa to dinner. Not going to lie, the meeting was tough.

Marissa says she went through Jasmine's phone contacts, calling each and every one of them and blocking every guy. (What?!) When Bobby says he never went to college, Marissa says it's often very difficult to connect with someone who hasn't been educated, and implies that he can't afford to live in London. That's vicious! Marissa wants Jasmine to tell her friends everything, and doesn't like it when Jasmine sets boundaries about keeping some things between her and Bobby.

Somehow Bobby doesn't get upset, but he clearly doesn't like hanging out with Marisa. At least she lives in the Philippines, so her interference will be limited when Bobby and Jasmine say yes at the altar. They should be, because they're perfect.

Finally, for the most volatile couple, Ollie and Demi really turn things around after their hellish honeymoon. When he arrives in London, he makes vegan nachos for her friends, who seem to really like him. He opens up to Demi about his ADHD diagnosis, which he describes as something he doesn’t talk about with many other people and as being somewhat debilitating. The two clearly care about each other, but are still pretty cautious about intimacy. In the finale preview, Ollie suggests that they might be better off as friends, which is either a brilliantly placed red herring or the most disappointingly predictable outcome we’ve seen in the franchise. Find out next week!

Budgie smugglers is British slang for Speedo, which is hilarious. Why budgies? And wouldn't it be hard to smuggle something in a Speedo? Anyway, the real news here is that budgie smugglers really work on Steven, and he has to wear them all the time.

It was so cute watching Demi and Ollie do some pod flipping and arcade basketball. I really want them to work out!!!

And I'd also like to see Maria's family's couscous recipe, it looks really delicious.


Keep watching the drama of your favorite shows!

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