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UK latest riots: Man appears in court charged with inciting murder, case continues

UK latest riots: Man appears in court charged with inciting murder, case continues


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A man is set to appear in court charged with murder and inciting violent disorder in Southport.

The judiciary is handling hundreds of prosecutions since Sir Keir Starmer promised swift justice for those involved in riots across Britain.

Andrew McIntyre appeared at Liverpool Crown Court today charged with aiding and abetting murder, violent disorder and possession of a sharp object.

Joseph Bradford, Jamie Easterbrook, Ellie-Jane Cox and Lisa Bishop are due to be sentenced at Bristol Crown Court for violent disorder.

Geraint Boyce and Daffron Williams will be sentenced at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court today for posting threatening material on their Facebook accounts with the intention of inciting religious hatred.

After a 15-year-old boy was first charged with rioting, suspects in violent incidents have been warned they could face more severe punishment.

The teenager appeared at South Tyneside Youth Court in Sunderland on suspicion of disturbing the peace, but the trial was adjourned following the surprise decision to charge him.

The riot charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, double the maximum for violent disorder, and prosecutors are considering a broader penalty for the riot charge.

The National Police Chiefs' Council said 1,127 people have been arrested and 648 charged so far for violence.

Key Points View Latest Update 1723804068 BREAKING: First Adult Charged with Riot

Britain's first adult was charged with rioting instead of opposing violent order.

CPS North East chief constable Gail Gilchrist said in a statement: “The Crown Prosecution Service has approved a charge of rioting against 32-year-old Kieran Usher in relation to the disorder that occurred in Sunderland on August 2.”

Yesterday, a 15-year-old boy was charged with the same charge.

Salma Waguira16 Aug 2024 11:27


Andrew McIntyre, of Cousins ​​Lane, Rufford, also pleaded not guilty to possessing a sharp object, namely a folded pocket knife, in a public place in Smithdown Road, Liverpool, on August 8.

The defendant, wearing a gray T-shirt and black pants, waved to his parents from the public stand as he was led out of his cell.

Administrative matters were addressed in court before a further hearing date was set.

Judge Pleawit told McIntyre: “I will set a tentative trial date for this case on February 3rd of next year.”

A further hearing is scheduled for November 4 to review progress.

You will attend the hearing via prison video link.

McIntyre was taken into custody and turned back to his parents, placing his hand on their chest and blowing them a kiss.

Salma Waguira16 Aug 2024 11:25

1723802744Two men arrested in connection with Sunderland violence

Northumbria Police say a man has been charged with rioting after he caused chaos in Sunderland city

Kieran Usher, 32, of Bramwell Road, Hendon, Sunderland, was arrested on Thursday.

David Hahn, 58, of South Ryhope Street, Sunderland, was also arrested on Thursday and charged with a public order offence involving racial discrimination.

Both men are due to appear at South Tyneside Magistrates' Court this afternoon.

Salma Waguira16 Aug 2024 11:05

1723801841 Man accused of deliberately facilitating murder pleads not guilty

A 39-year-old man appeared at Liverpool Crown Court and pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and causing violent disorder between July 28 and August 8.

Chris Taylor, for the prosecution, told Judge Neil Flewitt briefly that the defendant, Andrew McIntyre, from Ormskirk, was the administrator of the online group.

He is said to have encouraged followers of the group to commit murder and to take part in recent riots in Merseyside.

Salma Waguira16 Aug 2024 10:50

172380094421 Charged with violent assault

Joshua Nash, 21, from Portland, Dorset, has been charged with causing violence at a protest in Weymouth.

He is scheduled to appear in Full District Court today.

Salma Waguira16 Aug 2024 10:35

1723799684 Prince Harry hits back at far-right misinformation after Southport riots

The Duke of Sussex has warned of the dangers of misinformation spreading online as part of the Merseyside riots inquiry.

Harry spoke about digital responsibility during his trip to Colombia with Meghan, saying what happens online can transfer to the streets in a matter of minutes.

At a summit in Bogotá, he said: People are acting on information that is not true.

Britain's Prince Harry speaks at the EAN University's “Responsible Digital Future” forum in Bogota at the invitation of Colombian Vice President Francia Marquez (Reuters)

Salma Waguira16 Aug 2024 10:14

What charges were the rioters charged with?

More than 1,100 people have been arrested in connection with the riots so far, and at least 650 have been charged, some with multiple counts.

Violent disorder was the most common charge, followed by assault on an emergency worker and dozens of counts of harassment, intimidation and causing distress, according to a BBC report.

At least 28 people have been charged with crimes related to social media or online activity inciting racial hatred during the far-right violence.

More than 40 people under the age of 18 have been charged in connection with the incident.

Salma Waguira16 Aug 2024 09:54

1723797224The courts are already full of people who know the way, and the prisons are too full to admit them.

In ten minutes, it's over. Another fate is decided. The process is simple and already repetitive. The defendant, this time a skinny apprentice electrician named Declan Dixon, 22, is taken from his cell to Courtroom 7 in gray prison-issued sweatpants.

He bows his head as the charges are read: unlawful assault and possession of cocaine. Dixon, who pleaded guilty to all charges as his exhausted lawyers seek bail, says he wants to visit his mother in Wigan and say goodbye.

Salma Waguira16 Aug 2024 09:33

1723796024 Police release more photos from Merseyside riots investigation

Police have released images of eight men in connection with violence in Southport and Liverpool.

Detective Inspector Tony Roberts, of Merseyside Police, said people pictured were urged to identify themselves as soon as possible and answer questions for investigators.

CCTV images of people wanted to be identified in connection with the chaos in Liverpool (Merseyside Police/PA Wire)

Salma Waguira16 Aug 2024 09:13

1723794698 Independent readers praise Starmer's calm handling of the riots as a baptism of fire.

Several readers praised the contrast with the previous government and pointed out that Starmer's approach was far better.

But many felt that concerns about fundamental issues such as immigration had not yet been addressed.

Read the full article here:

Holly Evans16 Aug 2024 08:51




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