US arrests Peruvian gang leader Gianfranco Torres-Navarro
NEW YORK (AP) — A suspected Peruvian gang leader suspected of 23 murders in his home country was arrested Wednesday in New York by U.S. immigration authorities.
Gianfranco Torres-Navarro, the ringleader of the killers wanted in the Peru killings, was arrested in Endicott, N.Y., about 145 miles (233 kilometers) northwest of New York City, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Thursday. He is being held at a federal detention center near Buffalo awaiting an immigration hearing.
Torres-Navarro, 38, entered the United States illegally at the Texas-Mexico border on May 16. He was arrested the same day and served with a summons for immigration proceedings, according to ICE. U.S. authorities decided to arrest Torres-Navarro after receiving information on July 8 that he was wanted in Peru.
Gianfranco Torres-Navarro poses a significant threat to our communities, and we will not allow New York to be a safe haven for dangerous non-citizens, said Thomas Brophy, director of border enforcement operations for ICE's Buffalo Field Office.
Immigration agents also arrested Torres-Navarro's girlfriend, Mishelle Sol Ivanna Ortz Ubills, described by Peruvian authorities as his right-hand woman. She is being held at a processing center in Pennsylvania, according to ICE's online detainee tracking system.
Online immigration detention records for Torres-Navarro and Ortz Ubills did not include information about attorneys who could comment on their behalf.
Peruvian justice confirmed to the Associated Press that it had ordered the location and international capture of Torres-Navarro and his partner Ortiz-Ubilluz on July 3.
Col. Franco Moreno, head of Peru's High Complexity Crime Investigation Division, told the AP Thursday that they had tracked phone calls, geolocations and messages from Torres-Navarro and his gang of at least 10 members.
He is an extremely dangerous criminal who believed himself untouchable and responsible for 23 murders, including other gang leaders who ended up dying with their families, all in order to increase his criminal leadership, Moreno said.
According to Peruvian authorities, Torres-Navarro is the leader of a criminal organization known as Los Killers de Ventanilla y Callao, which has used violence to thwart rivals seeking to interfere in its main business, which is extortion from construction companies.
Torres-Navarro reportedly fled Peru after the killing of retired police officer Cesar Quegua Herrera and the shooting of a municipal worker at a San Miguel restaurant in March, Peruvian media reported.
Six alleged members of Los Killers, formed in 2022 in an area of the Pacific coast where Peru's main port is located, were arrested in a series of raids in June and charged with homicide, contract killing and extortion, Peru's National Police said.
Torres-Navarro was previously a member of the criminal organization Los Malditos de Angamos, Peru's public prosecutor's office said. He is also known as Gianfranco 23, in reference to the number of people he allegedly killed.
Torres-Navarro has evaded previous attempts to hold him accountable for his alleged crimes.
In 2019, while on the run, he was sentenced in absentia to ten years in prison for illegal weapons possession. He remained on the run until 2021, when he was arrested at a toll booth near Lima, the capital of Peru. But even then, he did not stay behind bars for long. After being acquitted in that case, Torres-Navarro was released last December.
Shortly after, according to Peruvian authorities, Los Killers escalated their violence, culminating in the San Miguel shooting.
Gianfranco's girlfriend, Ortiz Ubills, plays an important role in Los Killers, according to Peruvian authorities. The public prosecutor describes her as Torres Navarro's love interest, lieutenant and cashier.
She also has a considerable following on social media platform TikTok, where she has shown off her lavish lifestyle, including designer clothes, resort vacations and shooting targets at a shooting range.
Briceno reported from Lima, Peru. Associated Press writers Carolyn Thompson and Phil Marcelo contributed to this report.
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