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The US Navy has only one wish: more Seawolf-class submarines

The US Navy has only one wish: more Seawolf-class submarines
The US Navy has only one wish: more Seawolf-class submarines


Key Fact: The U.S. Navy's Seawolf-class submarines are considered among the most advanced and stealthy in the world, capable of outpacing Russian and Chinese threats.

Main problem: However, only three of these were built due to their high cost, despite their strategic advantages over aircraft carriers, which became increasingly vulnerable to modern anti-ship weapons.

What happens now? The Navy’s focus on expensive Ford-class aircraft carriers, instead of expanding the Seawolf fleet, is seen as a missed opportunity. With only two operational Seawolf submarines remaining, the Navy’s decision could limit its effectiveness in future conflicts with major powers like China or Russia.

Why the US Navy Should Have Built More Seawolf Submarines

The U.S. Navy’s Seawolf-class submarines are widely regarded as the best ships ever to sail silently and deep. At $3.5 billion per sub, these underwater demons keep Russian and Chinese war planners awake at night.

Seawolf-class submarines are typically equipped with powerful 533mm Mark 48 heavy-lift torpedoes. They are also armed with Harpoon anti-ship missiles, and the platform can fire Tomahawk cruise missiles at land targets. Seawolf-class submarines can cruise underwater at an astonishing 35 knots, or 20 knots when equipped for silent sailing.

Designed in 1983 as a response to Soviet attack submarines such as the ubiquitous Akula class, the Seawolf class was intended to replace the aging Los Angeles class attack submarines. Washington planned to build and deploy about 30 of these technological marvels over the course of a decade.

However, after 41 years of existence, only three Seawolf-class submarines are in service.

The reason there are so few lethal submarines is their high unit cost. In the 1990s, the Seawolf class accounted for about 25 percent of the U.S. Navy’s total construction budget. Of course, given the nightmare the Seawolf class represents for America’s two greatest geostrategic adversaries, Russia and China, it’s hard to believe that Congress or the Pentagon would believe that the money could have been better spent.

Alas, that's what they thought.

The waste of the Navy is incredible

Instead of investing in the dynamic Seawolf class, the U.S. government chose to invest in the Navy's expensively funded aircraft carrier program. At an initial cost of $13 billion per ship, and an additional $700 million per year, the U.S. Navy decided to build the Ford-class aircraft carrier. For the same cost, $3.5 billion per unit, the Navy could have built four more Seawolf-class submarines.

Given the advent and refinement of the anti-access and area denial capabilities of America’s main strategic rivals, any investment in new aircraft carriers is actually a waste. If China or Russia can seriously threaten the security of America’s aircraft carriers, Washington will keep these assets far from any war zone, creating a huge gap in its power projection capabilities.

If the Navy had been smarter and simply invested those funds in the far more useful Seawolf class, it could have afforded to risk losing some of those assets in combat. As things stand, however, with only three in the fleet and no more under construction, the Seawolf class could essentially disappear if damaged in combat against a major rival power.

Only two Seawolf submarines in service

The USS Connecticut is one of three Seawolf-class submarines in the fleet. In 2021, the submarine was patrolling the South China Sea, operating near China's sophisticated submarine base on Hainan Island. While performing its mission in international waters, the submarine crashed into an underwater mountain and suffered near-catastrophic damage. It limped back into port and underwent a refit. The Connecticut is not expected to return to service for at least a year.

This means that the US fleet currently has only two Seawolf-class submarines.

One of the Seawolf-class submarines, the USS Jimmy Carter, was selected for use in special operations missions. Its length was lengthened to 100 feet in 2005. The Jimmy Carter's capabilities are remarkable, even for a submarine of its class. If China were to successfully invade Taiwan, we could see the Jimmy Carter being secretly deployed to drop special forces operators and weapons behind enemy lines in occupied Taiwan, where they would support the inevitable Taiwanese insurgency against the Chinese invaders.

Seawolf-class submarine: wasted resources

But that’s just one submarine. Imagine if the Pentagon had followed through on its plan to build at least 30 Seawolf systems. Seawolf-class submarines are probably far more relevant in a potential war with China or Russia than the entire U.S. aircraft carrier fleet. Building this class of submarines is likely impossible now that the declining U.S. defense industrial base can’t keep up with demand. (The dilapidated state of U.S. shipyards is one reason the Connecticut is taking so long to repair.)

The Navy missed the boat on the Seawolf-class submarine revolution. It is about to pay a high price for its shortsightedness in prioritizing the interests of major defense contractors and their preference for aircraft carriers over the national interest by shifting the Navy's focus to submarines.

About the author

Brandon J. Weichert is a former congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who contributes to The Washington Times, American Greatness, and the Asia Times. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life, and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy. You can follow Weichert on Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

All images are Creative Commons and/or Shutterstock.




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