Britain and Russia are waiting for US approval for the Storm Shadow airstrikes on Kiev, the Times reports.

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The British government asked the United States a month ago for permission to allow Ukraine to use Britain's Storm Shadow missiles inside Russia, but has yet to receive a positive response, The Times reported on August 16, citing undisclosed government sources.
Ukraine has long asked its Western partners for permission to use long-range missiles, such as the U.S. ATAMCS Storm Shadow, inside Russia.
So far, Western countries have not moved on this issue, even as Kiev has launched cross-border aggression against Russia.
One British government source told The Times that the request was effectively “stuck in the American system”, while another called it “routine American process”. A third source said discussions with allies about using Storm Shadow were ongoing.
London does not blame Washington for the delay and sees it as an expected part of the policy change process, one source said.
The Kyiv Independent has been unable to verify the claim.
The article did not specifically explain why the use of the Storm Shadow, a cruise missile jointly developed by Britain and France with a range of 250 kilometers (150 miles), is dependent on Washington's approval.
Matthew Palmer, the US charge d'affaires to Britain, denied on Times Radio that his government would have any say in the matter.
However, previous media reports have suggested that the approval would not depend solely on London. An official British source told the Telegraph in July that any such move would require agreement between three countries, including the UK.
The source does not name the other two countries, but France is considered a strong candidate. France also produces its own variant of the Storm Shadow, the SCALP/T, which has also been supplied to Ukraine.
According to recent reports, the United States, the leading force behind the pro-Kiye coalition and the most powerful NATO member, may also be one of these three countries.
10 days of the Kursk invasion in Ukraine, from the first shots to the occupation of dozens of settlements
On the morning of August 6, the first groups of Ukrainian soldiers, armed with heavy equipment, crossed the Ukrainian-Russian border into Kursk Oblast, marking the largest assault on Russian territory since World War II. This unprecedented operation was carried out by the Kiev military
The Pentagon said the Kursk invasion of Ukraine was consistent with U.S. policy on the use of long-range weapons deep into Russia, but there was no relaxation of that policy. The United States had previously allowed the use of U.S. weapons on Russian territory just across the Ukrainian border.
Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh reiterated Washington’s concerns about the potential for a war to escalate. Some media reports say the U.S. simply believes ATACMS missiles are more useful in an attack on occupied Crimea than in Kursk Oblast.
Like the United States, Britain allowed Ukraine to use British-supplied weapons during the Kursk invasion, except for long-range missiles.
According to Kiyu, limiting strikes inside Russia was one of the motives behind the Kursk operation.
“Ukraine would be in a much better position to protect itself if it could strike enemy forces threatening Ukraine from its territory,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Heorhii Tykhyi said on August 13.
“In particular, it would be less necessary to deploy Ukrainian National Guard troops outside Ukraine's borders, including in the Kursk region.”
US considering sending first long-range cruise missiles to Ukraine this fall, sources say
The Kiev Independent reported that a source close to President Volodymyr Zelensky's administration said discussions between Ukraine and the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden on the supply of long-range cruise missiles were at an advanced stage.
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