Universal discusses UK incentives for Bedford theme park

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Universal Destinations & Experiences, the theme park business owned by US media giant Comcast, is in talks with UK officials about tax and other infrastructure incentives to secure a multi-billion pound resort in Bedford.
Universal has acquired a 500-acre former brickyard site in the English Midlands as a potential site for Europe's largest theme park, similar to the company's sites in Orlando and Hollywood in the United States.
People close to the project said Comcast's decision on whether to give the plan a green light would depend on talks with government officials about economic incentives to mitigate the risks of building a massive park.
They cautioned that Comcast could still explore other sites in Europe or other parts of the world. The amount of incentive being discussed is unclear.
Universal estimates that the park could generate around £500m in economic value for the UK over the next 20 years through construction and operation, as well as £140m in tax revenue.
The proposals would be a major test of the Labor government's pledge to encourage private investment, ease planning restrictions to boost economic growth and keep tight controls on public spending.
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is the government sponsor of the project, but planning decisions are made by the Department for Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Universal is currently discussing a package of tax and other investment incentives with UK government officials, according to two people familiar with the matter, and is expected to decide before the end of the year whether to implement the scheme.
Additionally, the surrounding road and rail networks need to be improved to attract holidaymakers to the park, with more travellers expected to travel to nearby Luton Airport.
DCMS and Comcast declined to comment.
The former brick factory site that Universal Projects could potentially turn into a theme park Universal/Alamy
The Labour government is already under pressure from local councillors and councillors to support a resort that would bring thousands of jobs to the region.
Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy made her first comments on the project in a letter to Bedford and Kempston Labour MP Mohammad Yassin last month, saying she would soon meet Universal executives to discuss the planned theme park.
She said Universal's proposed investment would provide a significant boost to both tourism and creative industries, transforming the region, spurring growth and creating thousands of jobs.
She added that the government plans to prioritise engagement with companies looking to make significant investments in the UK.
Leaders and chief executives from six local authorities have jointly backed plans for the theme park and resort project in a separate letter to Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer.
The Simpsons Ride at Universal Hollywood Site Samet Arda/Dreamstime
They said in the letter that the scale of the project would help make England's southeast Midlands one of the most important tourist destinations in Europe and the world.
Laura Church, chief executive of Bedford Borough Council, said: “We know the importance of getting this Universal project approved. The potential theme park and resort is a major tourist attraction, attracting millions of visitors each year, many of whom are expected to come from Europe and overseas.
Tom Wootton, Bedford Council's elected mayor, added: “Everywhere I go, whether it's to local businesses, schools or just walking around the village, people constantly voice their support for this project.”
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