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What You Need to Know – Education Hub

What You Need to Know – Education Hub


Every moment at school counts, and missed days add up quickly. Evidence shows that students with good attendance have better wellbeing and school performance than those with poor attendance.

School days are divided into two sessions, with one session being considered as either morning or afternoon at school. There are only a few instances where a child can miss school, such as illness or when the school grants permission for an exceptional circumstance.

However, if your child misses school without a valid reason, your local council and school may intervene and issue a fine.

We have also introduced a national framework which means that all boards apply the same rules when considering fines, which we explain in more detail below.

It is important to note that children with long-term health conditions or more serious mental health issues, as well as children with special educational needs or disabilities, may face additional barriers.

For children who face complex barriers to attendance, schools need to have sensitive conversations with children and their families and work with them to provide support tailored to their individual needs.

How much of a fine will I have to pay if my child doesn't go to school?

In most cases, schools and local authorities will first try to provide support to help improve your child’s attendance, but if this is not effective or if the absence is due to unauthorized absence during the school term, parents may be subject to fines.

It is up to local governments to decide when to fine parents, which means that procedures vary from one local government to another.

However, national regulations require all schools to fine children if they miss more than 10 classes (five days) for unauthorized reasons.

Starting in August 2024, the national fine for absenteeism will be $80 if paid within 21 days, or $160 if paid within 28 days. The rate is in line with inflation and marks the first increase since 2012.

If the fines are repeated, a parent will be charged a higher rate of $160 if they receive a second fine for the same child within three years.

Fines per parent are limited to two in a three-year period. Once this limit is reached, other measures such as parenting orders or prosecutions are considered.

If you are charged with failing to attend school and appear in court, you could face a fine of up to $2,500.

The money collected through fines is used only to cover the costs of system administration by local governments and to fund attendance support. Any additional money is returned to the government.

How can you be sure that your parents' fines are fair?

Fines are a last resort, and parents are provided with support to help improve their child’s attendance first. The majority of fines for unexcused absences (89%) are levied on vacation during the school year.

If your child has special educational needs or a disability (SEND) that makes it difficult for them to attend school, the school, local authority and wider services need to work together to provide the right support as a priority.

What should I do if my child misses school?

Children must attend school every day that school is in session, except in the following cases:

Your child is too ill to attend that day. You have requested permission from the school in advance to allow your child to miss school that day due to exceptional circumstances. Your child cannot attend school that day because it is a day for religious observance. Your local authority must arrange for transport to take your child to school and this is not available or has not yet been provided. You are a Gypsy/Traveller family with no fixed residence and you are required to go to work that day and your child cannot attend school as usual. What happens if your child misses school without a valid reason?

If your child is absent and you do not have prior permission from the headteacher to remove your child from school, the school and local council may take action.

Before you do anything, you should work with your child's school and local council to help improve your child's attendance.

These measures may include:

A fixed penalty notice, or penalty notice, is issued. The local council can impose a penalty on each parent. If the penalty is not paid after 28 days, you can be prosecuted for your child’s absence from school. If you think you need support to get your child to school but they are not cooperating, you can apply to the family court for an education supervision order. A supervisor will be appointed to help you get your child to school. The local council can do this instead of or in addition to prosecuting. If you are prosecuted, you will have to go to court. You can face a fine, community service order or up to three months in prison. The court can also make a parenting order. Why is attendance important?

For most students, the best place to be during the school year is school, where they are surrounded by supportive friends and teachers.

This is important not only for your child’s learning, but also for their overall wellbeing, wider development and mental health. Not only do children miss out on school, but so do those around them.

We work with schools and local councils to improve attendance by re-establishing relationships between schools, families and government, and supporting children to get the best start in life.

Visit our Education Hub to learn more about what we're doing to improve school attendance.




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