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Alien: Romulus tops UK-Ireland box office with 3.7 million admissions, beating It Ends With Us | News

Alien: Romulus tops UK-Ireland box office with 3.7 million admissions, beating It Ends With Us | News


Rank Movie (Distributor) 3-day gross (August 16-18) Total gross so far Week 1. Alien: Romulus (Disney) 3.7 million 3.7 million 1 2. It Ends With Us (Sony) 2.8 million 11.4 million 2 3. Deadpool & Wolverine (Disney) 2.4 million 48.4 million 4 4. Despicable Me 4 (Universal) 1.2 million 38.8 million 6 5. Coraline (Trafalgar Releasing) 558,581 2.5 million 2

GBP to USD exchange rate: 1.29

Alien: Romulus opened at number one at the UK and Ireland box office with 3.7 million admissions, the second-highest opening weekend for a monster film in franchise history.

Romulus was outpaced by the 2.7m opening of 1997's Alien: Resurrection and the 1.6m opening of 1992's Alien 3, only to be beaten by the 4.8m opening of 2017's Alien: Covenant.

The new film averaged 5,538 locations, still the second-highest number for a franchise opening, behind Covenant's 7,595 average.

Covenant closed with a 12.9ma low on this opening. Disney will be hoping to push Romulus above that number.

The film edged out Sony's Colin Hoover adaptation It Ends With Us for second place, while the domestic violence drama fell 37.3% in its second season to a respectable 2.8 million. It's now up to an impressive 11.4 million, already surpassing the 11.4 million that came earlier this year for the hit romantic comedy Anyone But You.

Previously in the top spot, Deadpool & Wolverine climbed to third place for Disney, dropping 41% in its fourth week to 2.4 million, bringing its total to 48.4 million. That's already the sixth-highest-grossing of the 34 Marvel Cinematic Universe titles released so far, surpassing 2015's Avengers: Age Of Ultron's 48.3 million, and could climb to fourth place, catching up with 2012's Avengers Assemble (51.9 million).

Despicable Me 4 took fourth place at Universal, dropping 22% to 1.2 million in its sixth week, bringing its total to 38.8 million. It's unlikely that any film in the Despicable Me/Minions franchise will ever reach 47-49 million, but with each film having had a long tail thus far, fourth place could still end up in that range.

Trafaglar Releasings' re-release of Henry Selicks' stop-motion animated film Coraline drew 744,365 admissions from Friday through Sunday, adding to the 509,635 admissions from its Event Cinema opening on Thursday, August 15, for a total of 1.3 million admissions. It also surpassed the 8.7 million admissions from its original 2009 release.

The top five grosses were down 7% to $10.9 million, up 46.4% from the same weekend last year. Warner Bros.' thriller Blink Twice has the best chance of continuing its strong run next weekend.

Bollywood keeps coming

M. Night Shyamalan's Trap dropped out of the top five in its second weekend, dropping 47.9% to 558,581, bringing in 2.5 million. It's expected to surpass the final totals of Shyamalan's last two films, Knock At The Cabin (3.2 million) and Old (3.4 million), in the next two weeks.

Despite dropping out of the top five, Inside Out 2 had one of the best holds of the weekend, falling just 18% to 506,583 in its 10th session. The animated film is now in the top 40 of all-time grossing movies with 55.5 million, and is on track to surpass another Disney/Pixar title, Incredibles 2 (56.2 million).

Warner Bros. Twister added 319,940 viewers in its fifth week, down 45.5%, for a total of 12.9 million viewers.

Bollywood comedy-horror Stree 2 has become the latest Indian film to perform well at the UK-Ireland box office, averaging 2,070 locations from 118 sites. Released by Bakrania Media, the film opened at 240,147 on the weekend, taking its total to 291,805, nearly five times the 58,697 total of Stree in 2018.

Lionsgate's Borderland, starring Cate Blanchett, added 181,104 in its second weekend, down 67.3% from the market average, bringing its total to nearly 1.5 million.

Sony's latest re-release of the web-slinger series, Spider-Man 3, is down 156,677 votes from Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, but still a decent re-release.

'Harold and the Purple Crayon' added 134,333 viewers in its third weekend at Sony, down 37.5% from its previous weekend of nearly 2 million viewers.

After a great start last weekend, Kneecap fell 53.8% in its second session in Ireland to 115,000 on Wildcard Distribution. The film has taken 557,610 before opening in England, Scotland and Wales next weekend via Curzon.

Black Bears horror film 'Long Legs' continues to flock to theaters in its sixth weekend, adding 88,000 admissions for a total of 7.9 million.

Leonardo DiCaprio's Signature Entertainments animated Ozi: Voice of the Forest has an average score of 221 from 86,336 on 390 sites. The film has earned 100,793 awards, including previews.

AA Films UK's comedy Khel Khel Mein, distributed by Bakrania Media, earned 52,616 in its opening weekend from 863 sites, or 66,664 including previews.

Chinese crime drama Only The River Flows, released by Picturehouse Entertainment, earned 31,522 in the weekend, averaging 553. The film has garnered 40,134 including previews.

Hayao Miyazaki's My Neighbor Totoro, re-released by Elysian Film Distribution, attracted 10,742 admissions in its third week of release, bringing its total to 209,169.

John Sayles' mystery film Lone Star, re-released at Park Circus, drew 9,731 viewers.




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