Brandon Sklenar Defends Blake Lively Amid 'It Ends With Us' Criticism

“It Ends With Us” actor Brandon Sklenar took to Instagram to defend author Colleen Hoover and “the women in this cast” against the online backlash that has been pouring in on the film before and after its theatrical release. Rumors swirled that a falling out broke out between lead actress Blake Lively and the film’s director and co-star Justin Baldoni during post-production over the final cut of the film. Neither actor has responded to the rumors.
“I wanted to take a minute to address everything that’s been floating around on the internet,” Sklenar wrote on social media. “Colleen and the women in this cast represent hope, perseverance, and women’s choice for a better life. To denigrate the women who put so much heart and soul into making this film because they believe so strongly in its message seems counterproductive and detracts from the very essence of the film.”
“In fact, it’s quite the opposite,” Sklenar continued. “What happened or didn’t happen behind the scenes should not, and I hope, detract from our intentions in making this film. It’s disheartening to see the amount of negativity that’s projected online.”
Lively's press tour for “It Ends With Us” was widely criticized online, as the actress didn't seem to talk much about the film's domestic violence plot. She was accused of focusing more on her various brand deals and new hair care line than the serious subject matter at the heart of the film.
In “It Ends With Us,” Lively plays Lily Bloom, a Boston florist who falls in love with neurosurgeon Ryle Kincaid (Baldoni). The former “Gossip Girl” actress also produced the film. Sklenar plays Atlas Corrigan, Lily’s teenage love interest. How Lily navigates the love triangle and overcomes Ryle’s violent assault forms the crux of the story.
“Believe me, there is not a single person involved in the making of this film who was unaware of the responsibility we had in making it,” Sklenar wrote in her statement. “A responsibility to all women who have experienced generational trauma, domestic violence, or who struggle to look in the mirror and love who they see.”
“This film is a harsh wake-up call for men to pull themselves together and own up to their actions,” he added. “This film is meant to inspire. It’s meant to validate and acknowledge. It’s meant to instill hope. It’s meant to give courage and help people feel less alone. Ultimately, it’s meant to spread love and awareness. It’s not meant to make women the ‘bad guys’ again. Let’s move past this together.”
“It Ends With Us” has been a box office success for Sony Pictures, recently crossing the $100 million mark at the domestic box office in just 11 days. While Sklenar didn’t specifically mention Lively by name in his post, he did mention the film’s female cast — and Lively has been the focus of most of the online criticism.
Read Sklenar's full statement to “It Ends With Us” fans in the Instagram post below.
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