UK Finale Recap, Episode 1011

Love is blind UK
Week 3 (Episodes 10-11)
Season 1 Episodes 10 – 11
Editor's Rating 4 stars ****
Photo: Paul Santos/Netflix
Ladies, it’s time to fake our own deaths. Love Is Blind: UK sent a couple down the aisle this week, and as many suspected, hot undertaker Freddie has decided not to marry his fiancée Catherine. In other words, there’s never been a better time to book a one-way ticket to the UK for a fake funeral before you pop out of the coffin like you’re in a My Chemical Romance music video. There has to be a way to do all this without going to the mortuary, right? Right?!
This week's episode kicks off with a bachelor/lady party, or in other words, a British bachelor party and hen party. (No matter how fun a bachelor party is, a hen party is really disgusting.) The guys seem to be at a disadvantage here. Sure, there's beer, a pedibus ride around London, and a night at an arcade bar, but the ladies have a blast at a fancy burlesque club. At least everyone's real friends are there for this party, so it's not your typical Love Is Blind pre-wedding party. Usually, it's just a gathering of past contestants and they seem to have a real time affair.
The talk of the night is that Demi is nervous about meeting Ollie's parents for the first time at the wedding (ugh!), and Tom and Freddie aren't sure if they can actually take a leap of faith and marry the person they love, despite their very different values. Meanwhile, Kat's friends look genuinely distressed when she tells Freddie that she wants to marry him. Perhaps because the last time we saw them, they were arguing over his suggestion that they sign a prenup. (Where did they get that conclusion, by the way? It's a disservice to all of us that the producers didn't follow up on it!)
And the actual wedding? Well, it was as chaotic as I expected. And at the altar, contrary to Freddie's expected hesitation, for once it felt like a real shock.
Steven and Sabrina entered the wedding hall first, and I don't intend to waste your time building suspense. Of course they will accept. Do you know where they live? No! Did you find out how many Speedos Steven actually owns? No! But I'm sure they will, and Sabrina will tolerate all the Speedos. If they break up before the new Smiths are reunited, I will never recover.
Next up are Maria and Tom. I loved seeing their adorable lipstick-stained faces together again, but we all knew these two would never work together, right? The issues at the heart of their relationship feel like new problems in the Love Is Blind universe. They have amazing chemistry and get along better than most other couples you see on TV or in the real world, but their values are so different. She believes in traditional gender roles, he doesn’t. She wants him to be the breadwinner, and he initially judged her for working as a makeup artist. Also, the groom’s mother not showing up to the wedding is never a good sign.
But my question is this: Are couples instructed at the beginning of a wedding ceremony that if they say no, they have to walk out of the altar without saying a word? It was absolutely incredible to see Tom make a big speech to Maria telling her he loved her and how beautiful she was, then telling her the timing was off and walking out of the room without giving her a chance to respond. No hugs, no pats on the shoulder, nothing! Was this a production issue? Or was Tom just too scared to let Maria say her thing? We'll have to revisit that during the reunion, but either way, I didn't like how it went down.
Demi and Ollie's wedding was, in some ways, even more shocking. In fact, given the story surrounding the two in the first place, this wedding might have surprised some people.
The two have barely spoken since leaving their shared apartment, so Demi is understandably nervous. Her head and her heart aren’t in sync, and when she gets to the altar, she asks Ollie if he’s okay before they even start. She’s shaking too, and we soon find out why.
Earlier this season, there were rumors among the cast that Instagram hottie Ollie wasn't attracted to the athletic Demi. At the wedding, Ollie said yes, and Demi said no. When Demi responded, Ollie let out one of the most bewildering “Why?!” responses I've ever heard on reality TV. I'd be lying if I said a part of me wasn't pleased, not because Ollie was a dumping ground, but because I was tired of hearing people say that Demi didn't find Ollie attractive because she wasn't skinny.
To be fair, Demi could have said what she was going to say next. Sure, she loves Ollie, but she also realized what she deserves, and they’re not there yet. They’re going to keep dating until they get there. That’s not the case right now. As surprised as he was at first, Ollie seems mostly relieved when we move on to the next couple. I hope these two do well in the long run, because contrary to what their castmates thought, I think they really balance each other out.
But let’s move on to Jasmine and Bobby! The producers tried really hard to make this wedding really suspenseful, but I wasn’t fooled. Sure, Jasmine’s mom Marissa tried to sabotage the marriage by saying she believed Jasmine loved Bobby more than her (blasphemy!) and didn’t believe he could support her (rude!), but I didn’t believe that hesitation for a second. Maybe I was fooled by how ridiculously good these two look together, but their romance was written in the stars for me. They support each other, communicate effectively, and even wear face masks together. As long as Marissa stops interfering, I believe they’ll cruise along.
I don’t think Nicole and Benaiah’s relationship will last long term, but that doesn’t stop them from getting married. It’s lovely to see these two reunite after the Sam disaster, but there are still so many unanswered questions. Can he really live in one place for so long? Is their bond based on something that can last? Or is he happy to be with someone after being single for over a decade? Is Nicole’s dad really so busy with his work project that he missed the wedding? Or is he just as skeptical about this relationship as I am? Either way, Sam is probably sitting somewhere, probably dating, and feeling down at Nicole’s audacity to pick Benaiah and return the bracelet.
Of course, the most delicious wedding should be last. At the risk of being too harsh on Kat, I found it hilarious that after complaining all season that she wasn’t as bourgeois as Freddie and Ollie portrayed her, this woman showed up at a TV wedding with a Louis Vuitton weekender bag. Freddie was worried that Kat was hiding her true self and pretending to be the woman he wanted her to be, but Kat is ready to marry him and believes she can say “yes.” And why wouldn’t she be crazy about him? He’s empathetic, charming, bought her earrings to match her engagement ring, and, as she points out, his body looks like it was sculpted by God.
As we enter the ceremony, you can tell how nervous Freddie is. As he says, I’m a pro at funerals, but maybe not at weddings. But soon enough, he taps into his inner (maybe) Capricorn and says the practical words we all know: I love you, Kat, but maybe the timing isn’t right for us. Given how much friction there has been between the two of them over the past few weeks, this feels like a wise choice. I admit that Kat still hasn’t gotten over Freddie’s “I’m not a dog” response to petting her. Until they sort out their love languages, this is going to be an uphill battle.
Freddie doesn't reject Cat and makes it clear that he wants to move forward with a lifelong commitment, but Cat isn't happy. When he tries to hug her on the way out, all she can say is, “Don't hug me.” From there, it's the usual mess. Freddie sobs in a corner, Catherine desperately needs some alone time (so naturally the camera follows her around the property and into her private room). Freddie feels like an ass, and Cat feels unwanted. But unlike Tom, Freddie tries to comfort not only Cat but her parents as well.
Freddie and Cat both seem to want to work this out, but it’s going to take time. She’s hurt, and he’s still a little wary. When she says she’ll be okay, I’ve been through a lot in my life, but it’s hard not to hear a little resentment in her voice. He also doesn’t seem to know how to comfort her. All he can do is tell her he loves her, rub her back, and leave the room. Maybe these two can work things out, but if you’re already looking at flights to the UK on Expedia and happen to find a bargain, it’s probably not a bad idea to take a risk, especially if you can get a refund after 9pm BST on August 26th.
In the great pantheon of international Love Is Blinds, LIB: UK might be my favorite (at least so far). This season had the best jokes, and as other international versions have already proven, the show is much more interesting when it casts slightly older contestants. As much as I love watching 24-year-olds fool themselves into thinking they’re ready for marriage, it’s much more enlightening to watch 30-somethings struggle to decide if they’ve really found the one. Luckily for us, a decade of dating adds more emotional baggage, so casting older people doesn’t make things any less confusing. The outcome of these weddings was a little more predictable than usual. In a good way. While the US version can sometimes make it hard for contestants to tell how true they are to their partners, here everyone really came across as their whole selves, for better or worse, in sickness or in health, until death do them part.
I know Tom isn't crazy about the gender roles Maria envisions in marriage, and as a working woman who hates being dependent on anyone, I mostly sympathize with his perspective. At the same time, the way he describes the way she wants to raise her children feels harsh. He wants to raise his daughters to be independent and contributing individuals, which implies that he doesn't think Maria acts that way. Can you say you love someone when you don't think they're contributing?
Jasmine needs to set more boundaries with her mother. At some point, entanglement stops being helpful, and I would say that if you hear your mother criticizing your fiancé the day before the wedding, you’ve reached that point!
I'm really curious about where Steven and Sabrina will live. No matter how perfect it is, I think it could be a source of friction. She seems delighted that he's open to living in Belfast, but he also seems to think they'll be living in London for the first few years, and maybe longer. Tricky, tricky!
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