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The US military acquired 21 Russian-made MiG-29 fighter jets for one reason

The US military acquired 21 Russian-made MiG-29 fighter jets for one reason


Summary and Key Points: At the end of the Cold War, the United States secretly acquired 21 Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets from Moldova to prevent their sale to Iran, which could have destabilized the Middle East.

-These aircraft were flown to Dayton, Ohio, in 1997, where they provided the U.S. Air Force with valuable information on Soviet aviation technology. American and Israeli pilots tested the MiG-29s, finding them formidable in dogfights, particularly because of their advanced helmet-mounted targeting systems.

-This intelligence helped the United States improve its own combat technologies and prepare for possible encounters with Russian aircraft in future conflicts.

Why the US bought MiG-29s from Moldova after the Cold War

The Soviet MiG-29 fighter jet was as capable as the American F-15 and F-16 fighters, and in some cases even surpassed them. This was the conclusion reached by one of the American test pilots who flew the MiG-29 at the end of the Cold War. This pilot was one of many Americans.

No, this test pilot was not sent to Russia to advise the post-Soviet government as so many Westerners were in the 1990s. This test pilot flew the MiG-29 on a US military base. Because, unbeknownst to the public, the US military had purchased 21 MiG-29 fighter jets at the end of the Cold War.

Moldova is a small country located dangerously close to Russia.

After the collapse of the USSR, the small country found itself in possession of a fleet of 34 MiG-29s and eight Soviet Mi-8 Hip helicopters. Moldova could not afford to maintain this arsenal. Washington feared that the Moldovan government, desperate for funds and with little else to sell, would sell these planes to Iran.

Moldova, Iran and the MiG-29

In particular, US officials are concerned that Moldova will sell the C variant of the MiG-29 to Iran. This is the MiG-29 equipped to carry nuclear weapons. Since Iran has been engaged in acquiring nuclear weapons since the 1980s – at least according to many experts – and since the Americans consider that such a move would be extremely destabilizing for the Middle East region, Washington is trying to prevent such developments.

So the United States bought a large portion of these fighter jets and smuggled them into the United States on C-17 transport planes. They arrived in Dayton, Ohio, in 1997.

At that point, these birds became a new favorite exotic toy of the US Air Force (in secret, of course).

But more than that, the Americans were able to gather important intelligence on a warplane about which they had previously had only limited knowledge. This information has proven useful, especially now that, unfortunately, Russian-American relations are at their lowest point since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.

Russian warplanes pose a constant threat to U.S. and NATO forces operating in Europe.

If American pilots had an idea of ​​what their potential rivals in the Russian Air Force are trained to do, it could help them understand how to survive and win against them in a dogfight.

The Americans weren't the only ones who had access to the MiG-29s. The Israelis did too. Perhaps fearing that the Iranians might one day have access to the MiG-29s, the Israelis wanted to know what they were dealing with. So they trained on them. The Israelis fell in love with this warplane. Like the Americans, they understood that the MiG-29 was a very difficult plane to fly in aerial combat, unless it was in the hands of an experienced pilot.

It takes an experienced pilot to fly the MiG-29

This is because the thrust of these birds is phenomenal.

Additionally, it lacks many of the pieces of equipment that American warplane pilots rely on. However, the MiG-29 is not entirely devoid of high technology. In fact, many reports suggest that the MiG-29’s helmet-mounted homing system was more advanced than anything in the American or Israeli arsenals when the MiG-29s were first tested by the West. This system allowed MiG-29 pilots to have more precise targeting at greater angles than their American rivals.

Ultimately, that advantage disappeared in 2003. But for more than a decade, the Russian MiG-29 had better targeting capabilities than any American warplane. The American acquisition of the MiG-29 may even have helped improve the targeting systems of American warplanes. After all, the Air Force's operational units received the MiG-29 for experimentation. The purpose of these units is to identify foreign technologies that might be useful and reverse engineer them.

The acquisition of the MiG-29 at the end of the Cold War was a bold and brilliant intelligence move. It probably helped the Air Force greatly understand what it might be up against. In addition, the Air Force probably perfected technologies that are essential to American pilots in combat today.

About the author

Brandon J. Weichert, a national security analyst for the National Interest, is a former congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who contributes to The Washington Times, Asia Times, and The-Pipeline. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower, Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life, and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy. His upcoming book, A Disaster of Our Own Making: How the West Lost Ukraine, will be published October 22 by Encounter Books. Follow Weichert on Twitter @WeTheBrandon.

All images are Creative Commons and/or Shutterstock.




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