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UK parents agree to ban smartphone use by children under 14 | smartphone

UK parents agree to ban smartphone use by children under 14 | smartphone
UK parents agree to ban smartphone use by children under 14 | smartphone


According to a campaign group, 20% of schools across the UK have signed an online pledge to encourage parents to ban their children from using smartphones until they are 14.

The parent compact, organized by Smartphone Free Childhood, has been signed by at least one parent in 6,537 schools, with signatories representing fewer than 35,000 children. There are 32,000 schools across the UK, including nurseries and pupil referral departments.

The contract states that I will act in the best interests of my child and our community and will wait until at least the end of 9th grade before giving my child a smartphone.

Daisy Greenwell, co-founder of the group, said the agreement aims to reduce the peer pressure factor among children asking their parents for smartphones and increase the average age at which children get one. Greenwell said owning a brick phone, an alternative to smartphones that only allows texts and calls, may be more acceptable to children if they know that children their age are prohibited from owning smartphones.

She said peer pressure is immediately relieved when your child knows there are 10 kids in their class who have brick phones rather than smartphones.

A survey by media regulator Ofcom found that 89% of 12-year-olds own a smartphone.

Greenwell said: The ultimate goal is to permanently change the culture when it comes to giving your child a smartphone.

Smartphone Free Kids Opportunity said the agreement was anonymous, but that it broke down sign-up data by region and school and posted the results on its website Thursday.

The largest number of signatures came from Hertfordshire, where 2,429 parents signed the consent form. The city of St Albans is at the center of the smartphone-free movement, with the city seeking to become the first city in the UK to provide free smartphones to all children under 14.

The next largest region was south-west London, with more than 1,700 people, and Hampshire with more than 1,500. Greenwell added that the group's website can direct parents who have signed the agreement to relevant local community and school groups on the WhatsApp messaging platform.

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Concerned about the impact of smartphone ownership and social media on children's development, Greenwell and her friend Clare Fernyhough created a WhatsApp group in February last year to support each other in their decision to delay buying their children a smartphone. Currently, the organization says its community consists of 150,000 parents.

Jonathan Haidt, an American academic who has had a major impact on the smartphone-free era with his book The Anxious Generation, said in an interview with The Guardian this year that parents should set new standards and delay giving children smartphones until they are 16. I said I should do it. Most social media platforms have a minimum joining age of 13, but Ofcom research found that half of children under 13 are using social media.




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