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McLaren requests right of review over Norriss US GP penalty

McLaren requests right of review over Norriss US GP penalty


McLaren has launched a right of review request regarding the penalty imposed on Lando Norris during the Formula 1 United States Grand Prix, the first step in trying to have the sanction overturned.

Norris was penalized five seconds for passing Red Bull's Max Verstappen off track as they argued late in the race in Austin.

The hearing on the right of review will take place on Friday at 2:30 p.m. Mexico time, ahead of this weekend's race in the Mexican capital, where McLaren will have to show the FIA ​​that there was significant and relevant new evidence that 'were not available. at the time of the decision.

These rights are enshrined in the FIA ​​International Sporting Code, where Article 14.1.1 states that if an important and relevant new element is discovered which was not available to the parties requesting the review at the time of the relevant decision , the sports stewards who have given a decision or, failing that, those designated by the FIA, may decide to re-examine their decision.

Any of the parties involved in a Stewards' decision as well as the FIA ​​can request a review hearing, which in this case is what McLaren did.

Austin commissioners will reconvene via video conference for the hearing on the right to review, which will take place in two parts, although the second will only take place if they determine there are grounds for the sanction decision be re-evaluated.

Lando Norris, McLaren MCL38, battles with Max Verstappen, Red Bull Racing RB20

Photo by: Sam Bagnall / Motorsport Images

This right of review bears similarities to Mercedes' attempt to get the FIA ​​to examine whether Verstappen broke F1 and then racing rules during his fight against Lewis Hamilton at the 2021 Brazilian GP.

There, Mercedes argued that because Verstappens' car's onboard camera had broadcast backwards during the live event, the forward-facing footage was only available once the Red Bull had completed the race and uploaded to parc ferme, the additional view of the incident created significant and relevant new evidence that was not available when the stewards were making their initial decision (in this case not even investigating the Verstappen's driving).

The same case happened in Austin, with Verstappen's live car feed only broadcasting in reverse.

However, it is not yet clear whether this is the new evidence that McLaren intends to submit at its right of review hearing on Friday.

Mercedes' 2021 request was rejected as the stewards determined that while the new images constituted new evidence, they were not significant to prompt them to consider further review and consider whether a new decision to penalizing Verstappen was necessary.

If the stewards overturn Norris' penalty in the second part of the right of review hearing, it would swap the results of the two 2024 title protagonists in the Austin rankings.

Norris would be reinstated to the third place he had taken by going around Verstappens on the outside while they were both on the second lap at Austin's Turn 12 and held the flag in a controversial move that the stewards said athletes, was what deserved to be punished, rather than Verstappens' defense.

Also read:

McLaren team principal Andrea Stella initially said in the aftermath of the Austin race: “I don't think there is any relevant new evidence, when asked if his team would look to launch a right of review process.”

Because the only evidence we have used so far to evaluate our interpretation, which is in disagreement with the commissioners, is already available, Stella continued.

So if you open up the right of review, I don't think it will ever succeed because you don't need new evidence, it's just a matter of interpretation. »




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