See the full list of the youngest presidents in United States history

President Biden, 81, and former President Donald Trump, 78, are the two oldest candidates to run for president, but overall they are outliers. A review of the list of former presidents shows that the majority took office much earlier in their political careers.
Data compiled by CBS shows that most U.S. presidents were in their 50s on Inauguration Day. This aligns with Americans' preferences: According to a 2023 Pew Research Center poll, about half of Americans said the best age for a U.S. president is someone in their 50s. Vice President Kamala Harris turned 60 in October.
The youngest person elected president in recent history was Barack Obama, who was inaugurated in 2009 at the age of 47. But he doesn't hold the record when we look further. In fact, four presidents were younger than Obama when they began their terms in the White House.
Read on for the complete list of the youngest presidents in United States history.
Who were the youngest U.S. presidents at the time of their inauguration and in office?
The youngest president in United States history is Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt. He was propelled to the nation's highest office in 1909, at the age of 42, after President William McKinley was assassinated while visiting an exposition in Buffalo, New York.
Roosevelt quickly injected his youthful vigor into this role, pursuing progressive policies at home and an active foreign policy agenda abroad. His famous advice on world politics, repeated in generations of textbooks, was: “Speak softly and carry a big stick…”
In this 1904 file photo, Theodore Roosevelt campaigns for the presidency. He took office five years later, at age 42. /AP
The youngest presidents after Roosevelt were John F. Kennedy, who was 43 at his inauguration; Bill Clinton, 46; and Ulysses S. Grant, who was also 46 years old.
Why are there so few young presidents?
Only nine American presidents, or about one in five, are in their 40s, and none are in their 30s. This sets the United States apart from countries like Ecuador, Chile, and France, all of which elected leaders in their 30s. One of the youngest leaders in the world is Burkinabé Ibrahim Traoré, now 36 years old, who has led this country of 22 million inhabitants since 2022.
In 1789, the Constitution set 35 as the minimum age to become president, but times have changed, said Costas Panagopoulos, a political science professor at Northeastern University.
“This rule was adopted when life expectancy in America was about 35 years on average,” he said. “Clearly, the founders expected the presidents to be older and therefore likely experienced.”
As for why there are so few young candidates, Panagopoulos said it might have to do with how they are perceived by voters. “Experience confers an advantage in the vote calculation, which could explain why so few presidents have been young,” he said. “Voters avoid inexperienced candidates and, as the saying goes, with age comes experience.”
Conversely, if candidates are older, voters may question whether they are up for the challenge, given their mental acuity and physical fitness, he said.
Complete list of American presidents, from youngest to oldest at the end of the presidency John F. Kennedy, 46 James A. Garfield, 49 Theodore Roosevelt, 50 Grover Cleveland, 51 Franklin Pierce, 52 James Knox Polk, 53 Millard Fillmore, 53 John Tyler, 54 Ulysses S. Grant, 54 Bill Clinton, 54Chester A. Arthur, 55William Howard Taft, 55Barack Obama, 55Abraham Lincoln, 56Calvin Coolidge, 56Jimmy Carter, 56Warren G. Harding, 57Martin Van Buren, 58Rutherford B. Hayes, 58William McKinley, 58Herbert Hoover, 58Benjamin Harrison, 59Grover Cleveland, 59Andrew Johnson, 60Lyndon B. Johnson, 60John Quincy Adams, 61Richard Nixon, 61George W. Bush, 62Franklin D. Roosevelt, 63Gerald Ford, 63Woodrow Wilson, 64George Washington, 65John Adams, 65Thomas Jefferson , 65James Madison, 65Zachary Taylor, 65James Monroe, 66William Henry Harrison, 68Harry S. Truman, 68George HW Bush, 68Andrew Jackson, 69James Buchanan, 69Dwight D. Eisenhower, 70Donald Trump, 74Ronald Reagan, 77Joe Biden, will be 82 years old on November 20, 2024 .More Mary Cunningham
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