US presidential election updates: Kamala Harris and Donald Trump cross Wisconsin | US elections 2024

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump held dueling rallies just miles apart in Wisconsin's largest city, Milwaukee, on Friday evening. Milwaukee is home to the highest number of Democratic votes in Wisconsin, but its conservative Republican suburbs are a critical area for Trump as he tries to reclaim the state he narrowly won in 2016 but lost in 2020.
Earlier, Trump continued to attack Liz Cheney at a rally in Warren, Michigan, where he also lamented the state of her hair. It doesn't look so good today, it's not a good hair day for me, yeah, yeah. After his campaign rhetoric turned from hateful to violent when he suggested Cheney should be shot with nine barrels and guns pointed in her face, the Arizona attorney general's office, where Trump made this note, opened an investigation into the death threats.
In Pennsylvania, a neck-and-neck race is heading toward the finish line of the 2024 elections, with no clear favorite. The winner of Pennsylvania and its 19 electoral votes, the most of any battleground state, will likely win the electoral college and determine the country's trajectory for the next four years.
Here's what happened on Friday:
Kamala Harris Election News and Updates
Harris told his audience at the Wisconsin State Fair Park Exposition Center that with four days to go, there is still work to do, but we like to work hard. Minutes earlier, during a raucous warm-up, rapper Cardi B called Trump Donnie Dunk and told the crowd: Trump says he's going to protect women whether they like it or not. Well, if his definition of protection is not freedom of choice, if his definition of protection is ensuring that our daughters have fewer rights than our mothers, then I don't want it! I don't want it! I don't want it!
Earlier, Harris said Trump's violent rhetoric toward Cheney should be disqualifying when it comes to her fitness for president. Rep. Cheney is a true patriot who has demonstrated extraordinary courage in putting country before party. Cheney, for his part, warned the public against dictatorship and against a presidential candidate who wants to be a tyrant.
The latest offensive and misogynistic comments from Republicans have boosted Democrats' hopes of fielding women on Election Day in a contest where women's rights have been a central issue for the Harris campaign.
News and updates on the election of Donald Trump
At his rally in Milwaukee on Friday, Trump called Harris a low-IQ person and pledged to save the economy from total destruction in a meandering hour-and-a-half speech that touched on economics and politics foreign, but also included threats to restrict press freedoms and a lengthy discussion of his own rhetorical style. I will end the criminal invasion of this country, Trump said, promising to usher in a new golden age. Can you imagine if Kamala won? You would fall into a 1929 type depression.
Trump supporters are laying the groundwork to reject the election result if he loses, according to warnings from Democrats as well as anti-Maga Republicans. In addition to the baseless and/or failed lawsuits, suspicions have been raised that partisan polls conducted by groups with ties to Republicans in battleground states primarily show Trump leading according to which if Trump loses, the polls can be presented as proof that he was deceived. out of victory.
New York author and journalist Michael Wolff has released audio tapes that appear to detail how Trump had a close social relationship with the late sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, which he long denied. Wolff says the recordings were made during a 2017 discussion with Epstein about writing his biography. Epstein committed suicide two years later while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. Trump's campaign said the claims made on Wolff's Fire and Fury podcast were wild, false smears.
Elsewhere in the electoral campaign
A federal judge has rejected an attempt by Elon Musk's America Pac to have charges of running an illegal lottery heard in federal court, instead of the courts of Pennsylvania, where Musk is running the sweepstakes to help Trump win. get re-elected. The case was sent back to Pennsylvania state court for a further hearing on Monday.
Racism and misogyny; a death threat by firing squad against a former congresswoman; the Republican presidential candidate disguises himself as a sanitation worker in the cab of a garbage truck. Donald Trump's last full week of election campaign was as unedifying as it was bizarre, summarizes Richard Luscombe.
A large Republican voting bloc in Arizona is seeing its members swing toward Harris in numbers that Democrats say could make the difference for them in an election where the latest polls have Trump slightly ahead. This block is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons.
Read more about the 2024 US elections:
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