US officials say Russians are behind fake video of 'Haitian voters'

U.S. intelligence agencies say “Russian influence actors” are behind an alleged fake video of a Haitian claiming to have voted multiple times in Georgia.
The 20-second video, viewed hundreds of thousands of times on X and other social networks, shows two men in a car claiming to be Haitian.
One says he obtained U.S. citizenship within six months of arriving and voted for Kamala Harris in Gwinnett and Fulton counties in Georgia. They encourage other Haitians to come to the United States.
The BBC found clear indications, including fake addresses and archive photos, that the video is fake.
In a statement, three U.S. security agencies said the video “falsely showed individuals claiming to be from Haiti” and was made by “Russian influence actors.”
“This Russian activity is part of a broader effort by Moscow to raise unfounded questions about the integrity of U.S. elections and to fuel divisions among Americans,” said the joint statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Office Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.
The Russian Embassy in the United States said the accusations were “baseless,” adding that Russia “has not interfered and does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries” in a statement on Telegram.
But researchers at Clemson University said the video bears the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation operation known as Storm-1516.
This narrative is consistent with what we saw during Storm 1516, especially in recent weeks since they focused directly on the U.S. election, said Clemson's Darren Linvill.
We should absolutely not be surprised that they are working to undermine the integrity of American elections.
This is consistent with Russian strategy over the past two election cycles. »
Linvill said the video's “narrative focus, style and production” match previous efforts of the Russian operation, which Clemson researchers say is linked to an organization called the Russian Foundation to Combat Crime. injustice.
The organization was founded by Yevgeny Prigozhin, the mercenary leader who led the Wagner Group until he launched a rebellion against Moscow and died in a plane crash.
Georgia's elections official, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, said the clip was “false and part of a misinformation effort.”
He asked X owner Elon Musk and owners of other social media platforms to remove the video.
A man in the clip shows several driver's licenses on camera, presumably as proof of identity. BBC Verify took screenshots of it and enhanced the images to be able to read the details.
The addresses on two of the licenses are for a commercial site and a location in the middle of a road near a gas station – not residential addresses.
A reverse image search of the photograph on one of the licenses showed that it was an original image of a man originally produced by a production company in South Africa.
US intelligence agencies said last week that a video showing an election worker destroying mail-in ballots marked for Donald Trump in Pennsylvania was “fabricated and amplified” by the Russians.
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