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‘Britshoring’ made Britain an economic colony of the United States.

‘Britshoring’ made Britain an economic colony of the United States.


The European Union remains the largest buyer of UK services exports, with the United States in second place. However, exports to the United States are growing at a much faster rate.

Nonetheless, the bottom line for the UK is that in many cases US companies are in charge. Their brains, creativity and skills are now generating American profits instead of British profits.

The situation in the UK is not so good, so many talented people are trying their hand out. [and going for US jobs]Smurfitt says:

What this means for the UK's dynamics remains to be seen. It is argued that working for US companies could help deliver the skills and training needed to make Britain competitive again.

But the flip side of that is that our best and brightest may end up emigrating to the US, leaving the UK little more than a back office for the world's largest economy.

So, the question arises how long this hiring boom will last. Donald Trump has pledged to introduce tariffs of up to 20% on the value of goods coming into the United States from other countries, with a slogan to stop outsourcing.

Such a levy would not apply to the services trade, where British workers do paperwork for American companies in London, but the political message could send a chill through corporate boards if Trump recaptures the White House.

The threat may also emerge from Britain's economic policy. Interest from US companies in the UK has declined in the aftermath of the September 2022 mini-budget, when the UK market was unstable.

America's bosses are getting nervous again. Last week, employers emerged as the biggest losers from Rachel Reeves' $40 billion tax blitz, which will see costs for businesses skyrocket from April.

To raise $25 billion through employer National Insurance contributions, the government is also lowering the level employers must pay. A complete overhaul of workers' rights is planned next. This means employers must offer new employees full protection from day one and strengthen the power of unions.

Duncan Edwards, chief executive of BritishAmerican Business, a transatlantic trade association, says one thing American bosses on American boards know about the British market is that labor laws are more flexible than in France and Germany.

Imposing stricter rules would be a concern for U.S. companies that already have many employees here, he said.

Whether that means hiring fewer people, I'll see. But it certainly poses a problem for UK managers trying to attract investment from their parent companies.

When the costs of doing business in the UK suddenly skyrocket, it is inevitable that the appetite for UK recruitment will wane as companies turn to cheaper options elsewhere.

Stanfords Bloom says: The UK's biggest competition is Latin America. In that American companies are moving many jobs overseas to Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico.

There are a lot of skilled coders and technical staff here, so the British will need a cultural or linguistic edge to compete. Yes. US companies will send British workers overseas, but there are only a few job areas where fluency in English is important.

Trends can change quickly. A senior manager at a U.S. company with employees in the U.K. is now seriously questioning whether it is worth staying on after Reeves' massive tax offensive, a person familiar with the plan said.

East is currently hiring people at local U.S. salaries. Today they make up a quarter of the 180 staff. The United States accounts for 40% of his business and is growing rapidly.

East says local, field expertise is critical to U.S. growth. Recruiting American talent will continue to be our focus.

But for now he still plans to keep much of his workforce in the UK. We want to continue to leverage cost efficiencies.




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