Republicans regain control of US Senate after Democrats lose majority | US elections 2024

Republicans won back the U.S. Senate, achieving what was touted in advance as the most achievable goal for the party in this year's elections.
The Republican Party regained control after it became clear that Democrats had lost their one-seat majority in the 100-member upper chamber of Congress.
Republicans picked up three Senate seats, as Trump-backed businessman Bernie Moreno defeated three-term Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown in Ohio, and Trump loyalist Jim Justice won won the seat formerly held by Joe Manchin in West Virginia. Early Wednesday morning, Republican Tim Sheehy won a closely watched seat in the Montana Senate, defeating three-term incumbent Jon Tester.
Incumbent Republicans also battled their Democratic challengers in Texas, where Ted Cruz beat Colin Allred, and in Florida, where Rick Scott beat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell.
In Nebraska, union organizer Dan Osborn launched a surprisingly successful independent campaign to oust Republican incumbent Deb Fisher. But Fisher ultimately retained his seat.
The number of Senate victories is absolutely incredible, Trump said in a speech to supporters in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Shortly after 6:30 a.m. ET, several competitive Senate elections had still not been called, giving Republicans a chance to increase their majority margin by a few more seats.
In Nevada, Democratic incumbent Jacky Rosen had a narrow lead over his Republican opponent Sam Brown in early returns, but a large portion of the votes remain to be counted and a complete count could take days, the Associated Press reported.
The results so far put the Republican Party in first place in the process of confirming top officials appointed by the new administration and potential new justices to the United States Supreme Court if and when vacancies arise.
At least two veteran conservative justices, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, are expected to retire in the coming years, while speculation swirls around the health and intentions of a third, Sonia Sotomayor, one of three liberal justices on the court.
The transfer of control of the Senate to the Republicans will also add spice to the race to succeed Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republican Party in the House, who had announced that he would retire after the elections.
The leading contenders to replace him are John Thune of South Dakota, Texas Sen. John Cornyn and Rick Scott of Florida, with the winner set to assume the powerful position of Senate majority leader.
Cornyn launched his leadership bid just moments after Republicans won their majority in the Senate, according to the Associated Press, with a statement touting his experience working with Republican members and serving as the GOP vote counter for the first Trump administration.
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Like I said, this election isn't about us, it's about what's best for the conference and the nation, the Texas Republican said. I look forward to working with President Trump and our new conservative majority to make America great again by making the Senate work again.
Thune, who was initially seen as the obvious successor to McConnell before the internal race became more competitive, also made a statement.
Tonight, as Republicans regain majority control of the U.S. Senate, we can begin to turn the page on this costly and reckless chapter in American history, the South Dakota senator said in a statement.
The leadership election is to take place at the end of November by secret ballot.
The Republican victory was widely expected. Democrats faced an unfavorable electoral map, with several incumbents either retiring or up for re-election in Republican stronghold states, meaning a loss of control of the Senate was very likely even in if Kamala Harris is elected president.
The retirement of West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a former centrist Democrat who recently became an independent, was the clearest signal that Republicans were on the path to victory. As expected, the seat he vacated was won by the state's Republican governor, Jim Justice, who triumphed over his Democratic opponent, Glenn Elliott, the mayor of Wheeling.
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