Minuteman III test launch demonstrates U.S. nuclear forces' readiness for safe and effective deterrence > Vandenberg Space Force Base > Article Display
A joint team of Air Force Global Strike Command Airmen and Navy aircrews launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with multiple targetable reentry vehicles from aboard the Airborne Launch Control System ( ALCS) on November 5, 2024 at 11:01 p.m. Pacific Time from Vandenberg Space Station, California.
Airmen from the 625th Strategic Operations Squadron at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, were aboard the U.S. Navy's E-6B Mercury aircraft to demonstrate the reliability and effectiveness of the ALCS system.
“This Minuteman III test launch exemplifies the mission readiness, agility and professionalism of Vandenberg, Global Strike Command and U.S. Navy personnel,” said Col. Dorian Hatcher, deputy commander of Space Launch Delta 30. “Each test of this deterrent system at Vandenberg underscores the nation’s strong capabilities and highlights the indispensable support our Airmen and Guardians provide to ensure national security.”
This test launch is part of routine and periodic activities designed to demonstrate that the United States' nuclear deterrent is safe, secure, reliable, and effective in deterring 21st century threats and reassuring our allies. Such tests have taken place more than 300 times before, and this test is not the result of current world events.
“These tests demonstrate what Striker Airmen bring to the fight if called upon by the president,” said Gen. Thomas A. Bussiere, commander of Air Force Global Strike Command. “An airborne launch validates the survivability of our ICBMs, which serve as a strategic safety net for the defense of our nation and the defense of our allies and partners.”
The ICBM reentry vehicle traveled approximately 4,200 miles to the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command's Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site, located in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, on Kwajalein Atoll. Reagan Test Site sensors, including high-fidelity metric and signature radars, as well as optical sensors and telemetry, support research, development, test and evaluation of U.S. defense and space programs. For these tests, RTS team members collect radar, optical and telemetry data during the terminal phase of flight to evaluate system performance.
“RTS is honored to be the nation's only long-range ground impact site providing our strategic partners with a secure environment and reliable testing for the continued development of ICBM modernization efforts,” said Lt. Col. the army Casel Rumfelt, director of the RTS shooting range. “This range and testing facilitates America’s technical advantage on the global stage. Our team brings decades of experience and a level of professionalism that makes the impossible easy in a fail-safe environment. I couldn't be more proud of this incredible team.
The launch of the test is the culmination of months of preparation involving several government partners.
The LG-35A Sentinel will replace the Minuteman III ICBM with an initial capacity of 2029. Until full capability is reached in the mid-2030s, the Air Force is committed to ensuring that Minuteman III remains a viable deterrent.
For questions regarding the launch window or Vandenberg SFB range operations, contact Space Launch Delta 30 Public Affairs at 805-606-3595 or [email protected].
For questions regarding the ICBM test launch mission and the missile, contact AFGSC Public Affairs at 318-456-1305 or [email protected].
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DVIDS – Images – Minuteman III test launch shows readiness of US nuclear force's safe and effective deterrent [Image 1 of 2]
DVIDS – Video – Minuteman III Test Launch Shows Readiness for Safe and Effective Deterrence of U.S. Nuclear Force (UNNARRATED)
DVIDS – Video – Minuteman III Test Launch Shows Readiness for Safe and Effective Deterrence of US Nuclear Force (NARRÉ)
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