Democrat Janelle Bynum flips Oregon's hottest U.S. district
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Janelle Bynum, center, delivers an acceptance speech at her campaign headquarters in Clackamas, Ore., after winning the race to represent Oregon's Fifth Congressional District, Nov. 8, 2024.
Anna Lück / OPB
Janelle Bynum, an Oregon lawmaker from Happy Valley, declared victory in the race for Oregon's 5th Congressional District.
I am beyond honored that my neighbors chose me to be the next congresswoman for Oregon's Fifth Congressional District, Bynum said in a statement Friday after The Oregonian/OregonLive called the race for her. My work has always been a love letter to the children of Oregon. I ran for office to make their futures better, and that's exactly what I will do in Washington for their education, for their reproductive freedoms, for their job opportunities and so much more.
If the results hold, Bynum would become Oregon's first black member of Congress, flipping the district in one of the nation's highest-profile elections and helping Democrats maintain their increasingly slim hope of controlling the U.S. House of Representatives next year.
As of Friday morning, Bynum defeated Republican incumbent Lori Chavez-DeRemer with about 48% of the vote, compared to the incumbent's 45%. She was in the lead with 8,575 votes.
Bynum's lead comes as the balance of power in the U.S. House of Representatives remains in play, with a handful of races yet to be decided in this year's elections. But the race would be a significant victory for the Democratic Party nationally as it recovers from losing control of the White House and U.S. Senate this week. And it would continue a trend this election cycle: The Pacific Northwest has been a rare sign of life for the Democratic Party, with statewide candidate victories in Oregon and Washington and another big race in the House, Washington's 3rd Congressional District, won by incumbent Marie Gluesenkamp. Perez.
At a news conference at his campaign headquarters in Clackamas Friday afternoon, a handful of Bynums' supporters hugged, applauded and gathered around Bynum.
It's not lost on me that I'm a generation away from segregation, Bynum said. It is not lost on me to write the story. And I'm proud to be the first, but not the last, black member of Congress from Oregon.
WATCH: Janelle Bynum Delivers Her Acceptance Speech at Clackamas
This would be the third time Bynum has beaten Chavez-DeRemer in political races, having previously beaten her twice in Oregon House races. When asked if Chavez-DeRemer had conceded, Bynum responded: She didn't do it in 2016. She didn't do it in 2018. And I haven't heard from her in 2024.
The Chavez-DeRemers campaign did not respond to a request for comment Friday.
Bynums' supporters described his victory as a beacon of hope in an otherwise dark week for Democrats across America.
“When I found out Janelle Bynum won, it was a ray of sunshine in a very dark time,” said volunteer Jordan Hiller.
And they called his victory a milestone in Oregon, a state with a long history of what they describe as systemic racism.
Oregon's story is fairly recent and pretty terrible, said Marcia Schneider, a Democratic Party activist in Multnomah County. And the fact that we can achieve this shows progress, and that's really good.
The race attracted millions of dollars in campaign contributions and this year became the 11th most expensive congressional campaign in the country with more than $26 million in outside spending, according to the nonprofit Open Secrets, which tracks outside spending in political races.
Oregon's 5th Congressional District, which stretches from suburban Portland south to Albany and east to Bend, was held for seven terms by Democrat Kurt Schrader, and Speaker Joe Biden won here in 2020. Two years ago, Chavez-DeRemer flipped the seat for Republicans, winning by just two percentage points.
Bynum is a mother of four who worked as an engineer and owned four McDonald's restaurants. She served in the Legislature as chair of the House Judiciary Committee, helping pass a police reform package and a bill to boost the local semi industry. -drivers.
In Congress, Bynum said she would push for many of the Democratic Party's policies nationally, enacting stricter gun laws, reducing housing and drug costs, and seeking to slow down climate change.
State Rep. Janelle Bynum, a Democrat from Clackamas County, won the 5th Congressional District seat.
Courtesy of
Bynum ran with the support of most of Oregon's top Democrats, including Gov. Tina Kotek, as well as powerful political groups like the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the national campaign area for Democrats in Bedroom.
She trailed Chavez-DeRemer, with more than $5.8 million in total contributions, much of which came in the final months of the race. Bynum spent much of her campaign seeking to tie the outgoing president to President-elect Donald Trump, whom she supported, and the slide in abortion rights across the country.
The 5th Congressional District is a true swing seat that spans Oregon's urban, suburban, and rural communities. In unofficial results, Bynum was winning in Clackamas, Deschutes and Multnomah counties, and Chavez-DeRemer was leading in Marion and Linn counties.
The work is far from done, Bynum said. It's time the Oregon Five were represented by a true member of their community, someone who shows up when they're needed and stands up for them even when the issues are tough.
Votes are still being counted in a number of swing districts elsewhere in the country that could decide which party controls the U.S. House of Representatives.
Correction: This story has been updated to reflect that Janelle Bynum is currently an Oregon lawmaker. OPB regrets this error.
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