Racist text messages sent across US to be investigated by authorities

Federal investigators are looking into offensive text messages sent to cell phone numbers across the country this week.
The text messages used images of slavery and told recipients, including school-aged children and college students, that a van would take them to a plantation. The texts appear to be sent primarily to black recipients, and it is unclear where the numbers were obtained or if non-black recipients were also contacted.
One recipient told NBC4 Washington that she received a message saying she had been “selected to pick cotton.”
“Hello, you have been selected to pick cotton at the nearest plantation,” the text message reads. “Be ready at 12 p.m. EXACT with your belongings.
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The FBI is in contact with other authorities regarding an investigation into mass racist text messages sent this week. (iStock)
“Our executive slaves will pick you up in a black van, prepare to be searched once you enter the plantation. You are in plantation group S.”
A woman named Pam, who asked not to disclose her last name, told the local media outlet that the texts were “disturbing.” She said her friends and family also received them and some messages even contained the names of the recipients.
“Some messages included personal names,” Pam said. “Some messages simply began with a greeting saying that people would be enslaved and a bus would come and pick them up.
“How did you get my number and how can I defend myself and how can I protect myself and what are we going to do about it?”
Another recipient named Maya told FOX 4 Dallas that she received a racist text and was deeply disturbed by the content.
“I haven’t really experienced such face-to-face racism,” she said. “Receiving those kinds of names, like I didn't really know what to say. It really hurt my heart. It hurt me, and it also scared me.”
One recipient told FOX 4 Dallas she was deeply disturbed by the racist message. (FOX 4 Dallas)
The FBI confirmed the text messages in a public statement and said the incidents were under investigation.
“The FBI is aware of offensive and racist text messages sent to individuals across the country and is in contact with the Department of Justice and other federal authorities regarding this matter,” the agency said.
“As always, we encourage members of the public to report threats of physical violence to local law enforcement authorities.”
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) told the Associated Press that it “takes this type of targeting very seriously.”
“These messages are unacceptable,” said FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel.
The messages were intended for black individuals and it is unclear how their numbers were obtained. (iStock)
Fox News Digital reached out to the FBI for an update on the investigation but did not immediately receive a response.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Andrea Margolis is a staff writer for Fox News Digital and Fox Business. Readers can send story tips to [email protected].
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