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The King leads the nation in silence on Remembrance Day

The King leads the nation in silence on Remembrance Day


As part of the Royal British Legion Veterans Parade, 10,000 veterans are expected to march past the monument and lay wreaths.

His Majesty the King will lead the UK for two minutes each year to remember those who have fallen and suffered in conflict at the National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph.

The King will be joined by members of the royal family, prime ministers, senior politicians and religious representatives to commemorate the armistice of the First World War and all conflicts involving British and Commonwealth forces.

Around 10,000 members of the public are expected to line London's Whitehall to take part in the two minutes' silence held annually at the monument and to watch the parade of veterans of the Royal British Legion. Of the 10,000 people marching this year, 326 different military and civilian groups will be represented. People of all ages will be marching, from bereaved families of Scottys Little Soldiers to D-Day veterans from the Spirit of Normandy Trust.

The Minister of Defense, Al Carns OBE MC, whose portfolio encompasses veterans and the wider military community, will march past the Cenotaph as part of the Royal Marines Association. The Afghanistan veteran completed his military service last May.

2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in World War II, the 25th anniversary of the end of the war in Kosovo, the 75th anniversary of NATO, and the 120th anniversary of the Cordiale negotiations. Next year will be VE Day and VJ Day, commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Allied victory in Europe and the end of World War II in the Far East.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer said:

This weekend, we come together to honor those who gave their lives to keep our country safe. The freedoms we enjoy today are the result of generations of hard-won democracy, values ​​and ways of life. We are forever indebted to the brave souls who fought and made the ultimate sacrifice to protect this country.

We honor them today and always. We remember them today and always.

And as we do so, we often think of those who are currently serving our country, far from home, sacrificing themselves in ways that may harm themselves so that we can sleep soundly in our own beds.

It is that service, and the courage and sacrifice of so many people across generations, that brings our nation together this weekend in the spirit of our deepest gratitude and respect.

Culture Minister Lisa Nandy said:

On Remembrance Sunday, we as a nation pause to honor the lives of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. We remember all those whose courage in the face of unimaginable hardship created the world we live in today. Every generation is indebted to those who fought and fell, and it is our duty to ensure that their sacrifice is never forgotten.

It is a privilege and a personal honor to represent Wigan, a constituency with so many veterans and their families who truly represent the best among us. Today, we stand together across our communities in sorrow and gratitude, remembering that the values ​​of freedom, justice, and equality are not merely legacies of the past. It's a challenge we face today and a task we continue to build for the future.

Secretary of Defense John Healey said:

On Remembrance Sunday we unite behind our Armed Forces community and honor those who gave their lives for our freedom.

I think of those who liberated Europe on D-Day 80 years ago. And we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country in conflicts before and after the war.

Throughout Remembrance Weekend, we will hear powerful memories from veterans and their families. We have a duty to educate future generations about their courage and dedication to defending Britain.

Thank you to everyone who worked hard, those who worked hard, and their families. And for those we have lost, we will remember them.

Chief of Staff of the U.S. Department of Defense Admiral Tony Radakin said:

Memorial Day is both a national holiday and a moment of deeply personal reflection as we reflect on the sacrifices of those who gave their lives so we can be free today.

Beyond the Cenotaph you will see where our soldiers, sailors and airmen serve their country in communities across the UK and around the world. We will remember them.

Philippa Rawlinson, Director of the Royal British Legion Memorial Service, said:

As we mark the 80th anniversary of the Battle of 1944, 25 years since the end of the Kosovo War and 10 years since the British Army ended its operations in Afghanistan, Remembrance continues to unite people across all backgrounds, communities and generations to make this happen. I recognize it. The sacrifices of the Armed Forces community, past and present.

From risking their lives in war zones to spending time away from their families to providing support during emergencies and humanitarian disasters, we are grateful to those who choose to serve in our Armed Forces and this weekend we encourage people to take a moment to reflect and I encourage you to think about it. Remember their service.

More than 800 sailors, soldiers and aviators will be on duty on Remembrance Sunday and attend memorial services at the Cenotaph, Westminster Abbey and Westminster Abbey.

The British Armed Forces continue to honor the legacy of their predecessors by working all year round to protect British security and global stability. As the country remembers its fall, British forces around the world will protect NATO's eastern flank from threats, disrupt threats to international shipping on the world's busiest shipping lanes and train hundreds of Ukrainian personnel in the battlefield skills needed to defend the country. It will.

Additional personnel are also on standby in Cyprus to help ease tensions in the Middle East. In total, Remembrance Sunday will see nearly 6,000 personnel deployed to operations and overseas bases around the world.

For those unable to travel to London for the National Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph or local Remembrance Sunday services, national events will be broadcast live on the BBC and Sky News.

ENDS Notes to editors:

The full media commentary note is available in the DCMS press office.

How to watch:

It airs on BBC TV from 10.15am on BBC One and iPlayer. A range of audio descriptions for the blind and partially sighted is available from Red Button and iPlayer. iPlayer also offers uninterrupted commentary. On the radio, Radio 4 and BBC Sounds are live. Sky News plans to broadcast the service live on TV, the Sky News app, website, and YouTube. There will also be special coverage throughout the day on ITVX and the day's events will be covered in the ITV News Bulletin.

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