While many American voters welcome Trump's tougher border policies, his victory worries migrants.

Nogales, Mexico — Ivan Castro Santos, his wife and their four children, including 1-year-old triplets, have been living in a crowded room for four months, waiting for an opportunity to enter the United States.
The young family traveled from southern Mexico to the shelter at the House of Mercy and All Nations in the northern Mexican border city of Nogales, joining other migrants from across Latin America. Half of them are children. Everyone has one goal: to find work and security in the United States.
Castro Santos, 22, said he and his wife, Fatima Gonzalez Hernandez, 19, decided to leave Guerrero, Mexico, because of “the crime and the risks to the children.” “To protect them,” he added in Spanish, looking at his young children.
Tens of thousands of migrants are estimated to be in Mexico, hoping to enter America, including through a program that allows them to use a smartphone app to request a time to be screened, processed and admitted by US border authorities. The system was put in place by the Biden administration to deter migrants from crossing the border illegally, but many now fear President-elect Donald Trump will make it even harder for them to enter the United States.
Migrant children in a classroom waiting for a chance to enter the United States. CBS News
Castro Santos said he was concerned that Trump was “cancelling appointments” offered by the U.S. government app, known as CBP One. “We don’t want to take the risk of going home and putting them in danger,” he said, referring to his children. If allowed to enter the United States, he said his family would like to settle in Houston, where his sister lives. He said he would like to learn to cook and work in a restaurant.
Trump has made combating illegal immigration a central theme of his campaign, building on an agenda of mass expulsions, stricter asylum rules and a reversal of the Biden administration's border policies , including the app-powered entry system used by migrants in Mexico. His immigration promises have won over many American voters, polls show, including those living near the southern border.
Anna Parada, who was born and raised in Nogales, Arizona, a few miles from the border with Mexico, said the “main” reason she voted for Trump was his stance on immigration.
“I definitely saw the Biden administration being a little too lax on immigration,” Parada said. “And with Trump back in office, I think it will make a difference again.”
On the Mexican side of the border, the reaction to Trump's victory was starkly different.
Luz Angela, a Bolivian migrant, said she was “scared” when she learned that American voters had elected Trump.
“I was scared because he promised in his speeches that they would deport all the migrants,” Angela said in Spanish. “And that it would close the CBP One application.”
Luz Angela and her son both hope to enter the United States, but President-elect Donald Trump's victory has Angela worried that the CBP One app, which migrants use to schedule appointments with immigration officials, will , is no longer available. CBS News
A doctor by training, Angela said she and her 9-year-old son, Matias, fled political persecution in Bolivia. She said she was targeted by the government after complaining about corruption at the hospital where she worked.
Angela and her son have been waiting for a CBP One appointment for almost 7 months since arriving in Nogales, Mexico. While waiting, she volunteered as a doctor at the House of Mercy and All Nations shelter, treating other migrants.
“What we're looking for is an opportunity to improve our lives, but also maybe improve the health care system there,” she said. “I really enjoy helping people who don’t have easy access to health care.”
U.S. officials fear Trump's election could end a months-long lull in illegal border crossings, which plunged this year following an aggressive effort by Mexican authorities to bar migrants and President Biden's decision in June to make most of those crossing the country illegally ineligible. asylum. Officials say more migrants could be enticed to enter the United States illegally in the coming weeks, before Trump takes office on Jan. 20.
Alba Jaramillo, a Tucson-based immigration attorney, said Trump's victory and the potential end of the CBP One system could prompt more migrants to cross the southern border without authorization, including along areas dangerous areas of the Arizona desert, where some perish trying to reach it. in the United States
“They are desperate,” said Jaramillo, co-executive director of the Immigration Law and Justice Network, a pro-immigration organization. “I mean they gave up everything to come north.”
Anjali Patil contributed reporting.
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