Starlink satellite falls to Earth and burns in stunning fireball over US (video)

A brilliant fireball that lit up the skies of four US states is believed to have come from the fiery re-entry of a SpaceX Starlink satellite.
Dozens of eyewitnesses reported seeing a meteor on Saturday, November 9, just after 10:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (11:00 p.m. EST or 04:00 GMT on November 10). The American Meteor Society received 36 different reports of the bright fireball as it passed over Colorado, Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma. The sightings were primarily clustered around the Oklahoma City and Dallas-Fort Worth areas.
Turns out it probably wasn't an ordinary meteor. It appears to be SpaceX's Starlink-4682 spacecraft, part of a group of 54 satellites launching in 2022 as part of the Starlink 4-23 mission.
An image from a video shot by Jim Saueressig II of Burlington, Kansas, submitted to the American Meteor Society, showing a fireball on the evening of November 10, 2024. (Image credit: AMS/Jim Saueressig II of Burlington Kansas )
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According to astronomer and spacecraft tracker Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, the bright object was likely a Starlink satellite burning up in Earth's atmosphere as it fell toward our planet.
The particular Starlink spacecraft, designated Starlink-4682, appears to have returned “on a track over Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and Oklahoma and appears to have been widely observed,” McDowell told X on November 10.
Starlink-4682, launched in August 2022, returned home at 0403 UTC on November 10 (9:03 p.m. MST/10:03 p.m. CST on November 9) on a track over Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and Oklahoma and appears having been widely observed pic.twitter. .com/u4sByf2SNovember 10, 2024
According to eyewitness reports submitted to the American Meteor Society (AMS), the fireball was impressive. “Best sighting ever!” wrote witness Kevin W. of McKinney, Texas.
“The most amazing thing I have seen in a very long time,” wrote another witness in Canton, Texas.
A map generated by the American Meteor Society showing the locations of 36 fireball reports filed on November 10, 2024. (Image credit: AMS/Google Maps)
Other witnesses described the fireball as it appeared to break into small flaming debris in the sky. “It was a fragmented/fragmented fireball. I saw it as a glowing area that became more clearly a large fragmented fireball,” wrote Ryan T. of Kaufman, Texas.
As more and more of these Starlink reentries occur (and SpaceX continues to launch them every week), some astronomers and environmental scientists say the effects of these reentries are not well understood and could harm the earth's atmosphere.
When these satellites burn up in the atmosphere, they release harmful aluminum oxide, which can damage Earth's protective ozone layer and impair its ability to reflect sunlight; these two factors modify the temperature of the upper atmosphere. “If we do nothing, we will see the impact on a global scale in the next 10 years,” Minkwan Kim, associate professor of astronautics at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, told
While these reentries occasionally produce fireballs visible from the ground, most go completely unnoticed. In fact, McDowell told, a Starlink satellite re-enters the atmosphere almost every day.
“Sometimes several,” McDowell said.
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