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UK shows international leadership in tackling climate crisis

UK shows international leadership in tackling climate crisis


The UK's new target to reduce emissions by 81% by 2035 at COP29 in Azerbaijan supports the Government's clean energy superpower mission to provide more security for the UK and deliver jobs and economic growth. The Prime Minister urges others to set ambitious targets.

Unveiling the UK's new climate targets today at the COP29 summit in Baku, Azerbaijan, the UK government said tackling the climate crisis was essential to national energy security, economic growth and efforts to protect current and future generations.

Today’s announcement will strengthen the UK’s position as a location for investment in the skills and jobs that drive growth globally.

There are 640,000 green jobs in the UK and this is growing four times faster than overall UK employment.

To support the industry, the government has announced a significant program of investment in UK domestic energy, including renewables, carbon capture and storage, nuclear power and hydrogen.

The UK's dependence on fossil fuels has been felt by every family and business over the past few years, with the country experiencing its worst cost-of-living crisis due to soaring energy prices on the international gas market.

That's why the Government's job is to tackle the climate crisis in a way that makes life better for British people by investing in clean domestic power and creating thousands of jobs. Already since July, the UK's clean energy industry has seen $34.8 billion in private investment.

These ambitious and practical new targets support the UK’s growth mission and help attract further investment and jobs in low-carbon technologies including solar, wind, electric vehicles and batteries.

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband said:

The only way to protect this generation is to make the UK a clean energy superpower, and the only way to protect future generations is to tackle the climate crisis.

The UK is back in the business of climate leadership with ambitious new targets to protect the environment, provide energy security and restore its global climate reputation.

We will protect our environment by reducing emissions across the country and end our exposure to the burgeoning fossil fuel market.

This ambitious and practical new target is consistent with the recommendations of the Climate Change Committee and the previously established and legally binding carbon budget for the same period.

These targets form the UK’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) – the country’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change. It is aligned at 1.5C.

Britain has urged other countries to match its ambitions to tackle the urgency of climate change, following stark warnings from the United Nations that the country is still off track to limit global temperature rises to 1.5C.

Since July, the government has taken the following measures:

Lifting the ban on onshore wind in the UK Renewable energy auctions deliver a record number of clean energy projects Agree to 2GW of significant solar power across the country, an unprecedented amount over the past 14 years $8.3 billion in support to speed up clean energy deployment Receiving Great British Energy's launch technology has agreed funding for two clusters on Teesside and the North West, firing the starting gun on the UK's carbon capture, use and storage industry.

Globally, the cost of renewable energy continues to fall, with solar and wind now cheaper than most conventional coal and gas power plants around the world.

A recent analysis by the International Energy Agency found that by 2023, for every dollar spent on fossil fuels, $1.7 would be spent on clean energy. Global energy investment is expected to exceed $3 trillion by 2024, $2 trillion of which will be in clean energy technologies and infrastructure.

Note to editors

The target is consistent with the recommendations of the independent Climate Change Committee and the UK's share of limiting global warming to 1.5C.

The goal is to reduce emissions by at least 81% from 1990 levels.

The target excludes emissions from international aviation and transport in line with international standards and is consistent with the UK's sixth carbon budget.

To combat climate catastrophe by 2030, global emissions must be reduced by 43% below 1990 levels (the most optimistic scenario for NDC implementation implies a reduction of about 5.9% by 2030), and climate finance must increase by at least five times. must increase. We need to phase out coal seven times faster and reduce forest loss four times faster.

That's why the UK is setting ambitious targets and calling on other countries to deliver ambitious nationally determined contributions across the economy by the February 2025 deadline to tackle the urgency of the climate crisis.

Britain's climate negotiations during COP29 in Baku will be led by Energy Secretary Ed Miliband, who will encourage major emitters in particular to submit their own targets before the deadline.

The government will submit details supporting its nationally determined contribution to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change before the February 2025 deadline. Steps are already being taken to achieve the government's clean power goals by the 2030 mission.

Stakeholder response

Ian Cheshire, Chairman of the We Mean Business Coalition, said:

Prime Minister Keir Starmer today sent a clear signal to the international community that the UK is back as a global leader on climate. These headline figures for UK emissions reductions are consistent with what is scientifically and technically achievable, as well as economically.

Businesses in the UK and around the world will welcome the clarity and stability that comes with a long-term plan to transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. Working closely with the private sector, the UK's new climate plan must create jobs, stimulate investment in UK industry and ensure energy security and affordability.

CBI CEO Rain Newton-Smith said:

As the world gathers at COP29, the UK today demonstrated its credentials for international leadership on climate. Setting an ambitious 2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target to reduce emissions by 81% is a firm commitment to transform the UK into a net zero economy, leveraging the strengths of climate finance, institutions and policy design to deliver a blueprint. do. You can build on other countries.

Walking requires a focus on delivery and the UK's business community is ready to play its part. In a world where the growth and resilience of our economies continues to be negatively tested by the impacts of energy shocks and climate events, businesses and governments work together to scale up investments in climate action and develop markets for decarbonization technologies.

Rachel Solomon Williams, managing director of Aldersgate Group, said:

This ambitious NDC is a welcome demonstration of the UK Government’s global leadership. Together with sector-specific targets such as Clean Power by 2030, this will significantly strengthen our position on the world stage at a time when international climate leadership is urgently needed. The UK has already shown that ambitious climate goals can spark the creation of thriving new industries and accelerate growth. And this new goal shows other countries that we have confidence in this approach and will lead by example in our domestic policies.




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