US Republicans win the House and control both chambers of Congress DW 11/13/2024

Republicans are expected to win a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington on Wednesday, meaning the Republican Party will control the White House, House and Senate when President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in on Jan. 20.
The Republicans are expected to maintain their majority in the lower house with at least 218 of the 435 seats in the lower house.
“It's a beautiful morning in Washington. It's a new day in America,” House Speaker Mike Johnson said before the result was official. “The sun is shining, and it reflects how we all feel. This is a very, very important moment for the country and we don't take it lightly.”
Thune to replace McConnell as Senate leader
In the Senate, Republicans chose John Thune of South Dakota as the new majority leader, replacing Mitch McConnell, who resigned after serving as the chamber's top Republican for 17 years.
Thune beat out John Cornyn of Texas and Rick Scott of Florida, who were popular among Trump loyalists for the job.
Thune initially condemned Trump's actions on January 6, 2021, calling them “inexcusable”, but has since worked to regain Trump's favor. He is considered a traditional Republican leader who is well respected by his colleagues on both sides of the aisle.
The four-term senator released a statement on X, saying, “This Republican team is united behind President Trump’s agenda, and our work begins today. »
Republicans will control 53 of the 100-seat Senate when the new Congress convenes in January.
Thune has previously said he would welcome Trump's input on Senate business. This weekend, South Dakota attempted to circumvent Trump's public request that the Senate allow him to make cabinet appointments during recess, a procedure that would allow him to constitutionally bypass Senate confirmation hearings mandated.
Thune responded by saying the Senate must act “quickly and decisively” to nominate nominees, adding that “all options are on the table to accomplish this, including recess appointments.”
Who is Marco Rubio, Trump's Secretary of State pick?
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Trump surprises with other Cabinet picks
As Republicans take control of both houses of Congress, Trump continues to field nominations for top Cabinet positions.
After nominating a Fox News talk show host to lead the world's most powerful military, he named former political foe turned partisan Marco Rubio as the next secretary of state and Matt Gaetz as U.S. attorney general. United.
Rubio, whom Trump derisively called “Liddle Marco” for years, is a conservative Cuban-American senator from Florida and former presidential candidate.
Rubio is known as a China hawk and a vocal critic of Latin American communists. His aggressive stances have led “America First” Republicans to label him a warmonger.
Before becoming a supporter, Rubio criticized Trump, calling him a “crook” who was clearly “unfit for office.”
If approved, Rubio would become the first Latino to serve as America's top diplomat.
Former Chairman Kevin McCarthy said Gaetz (pictured) initiated his ouster because he refused to stop an ethics board investigation against the Floridian for allegedly paying for sex with a minor Image: Win McNamee/AFP/Getty Images Under investigation now to become the investigator?
Trump also named Matt Gaetz, a brash Republican from Florida who played a key role in the months-long chaos that wracked the Republican Party over numerous controversial votes to elect a House speaker as the party's top official. enforcement of the laws of the country.
Trump announced Gaetz's nomination Wednesday, saying, “Matt will end militarized government, protect our borders, dismantle criminal organizations, and restore Americans' gravely broken faith and trust in the Justice Department.”
The attorney general position is arguably one of the most important of the Trump presidency. The AG advises the president on the legality of his actions and Trump has big plans ranging from mass deportations to amnesty for insurrectionists convicted on January 6 and seeking “retaliation” against his political enemies.
In the past, Trump has become angry with U.S. attorneys general, saying they are not working in his best interest. Although part of the executive branch of government, the Justice Department, which Gaetz would lead, has traditionally made it its mission to be politically independent and impartial in enforcing the law of the land.
Gaetz's choice for this position will undoubtedly raise eyebrows, as he himself has been under investigation for years, primarily for shady business dealings, drug use and accusations of paying at least one 17 year old girl for sex.
Earlier this year, the House of Representatives took the unusual step of opening an ethics investigation into Gaetz's activities, with the House Ethics Committee saying it was investigating accusations that Gaetz “had engaged in sexual misconduct and illegal drug use, accepted inappropriate gifts, distributed special gifts.” privileges and favors to people with whom he had personal relationships and sought to obstruct government investigations into his conduct. He has denied any wrongdoing.
After his nomination for attorney general was announced, Gaetz resigned from Congress, also ending the ethics investigation.
js/jcg (AFP, dpa, Reuters)
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