U.S. Postal Service Previews 2025 Stamps – Newsroom

November 15, 2024
Icons of history, natural beauty and pop culture are featured
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service today announced most of the stamps it will release in 2025.
“This first look at our 2025 stamp program demonstrates our commitment to providing a diverse range of subjects and designs to philatelists and stamp enthusiasts,” said Lisa Bobb-Semple, director of stamp services for the USPS. “This year, we are continuing many of our popular series and commemorative anniversaries, while introducing some exciting new stamps. In addition, several of our stamps for postal use, printed according to demand, will be updated this year. Stay tuned for more announcements in the coming months.
This is a partial list, with additional stamps to be announced in the coming weeks and months. These designs are preliminary and subject to change.
Lunar New Year: Year of the Snake This is the sixth stamp in the current Lunar New Year series, where each entry features a mask, reminiscent of the decorated masks used in the dragon or lion dances often performed during New Year parades Lunar year. For Year of the Snake, designer Camille Chew constructed a three-dimensional snake mask from hand-printed paper, then cut, grooved and folded it into shape. After the front side was embellished with acrylic paint and additional paper elements, the back side was covered with a layer of papier-mâché. USPS Art Director Antonio Alcal designed the stamp based on a photograph of the mask by Sally Andersen-Bruce.
1794 Compass Rose (Global) Useful for sending a one-ounce letter to any country where First-Class Mail International service is available, this stamp carries with it a bit of history. The colorful compass rose was drawn in a school geography notebook by Lucia Wadsworth, the aunt of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, when she was 10 years old. Greg Breeding, USPS art director, designed the stamp.
Love (2025) This new Love stamp celebrates the universal experience of love with a work by artist Keith Haring (1958-1990). With a deceptively simple and now iconic style, Haring's work is instantly recognizable. This stamp features Haring's untitled design from 1985. USPS Art Director Antonio Alcal believes this design is an ideal new stamp in this popular series. “The non-specificity of the characters allows various people to recognize themselves in this timbre,” explains Alcal. “Partners getting married, celebrating an anniversary, siblings sending each other heartfelt greetings, or even party planners setting a positive tone for their event. »
Black Heritage: Allen Toussaint In recent years, the Black Heritage series has celebrated a man one year and a woman the next. Next year, the 48th stamp in the series will pay tribute to Allen Toussaint (1938-2015), virtuoso pianist, singer, songwriter, composer, arranger and producer responsible for dozens of hits in several genres. Designed by USPS Art Director Ethel Kessler, the stamp features a photograph taken by Bill Tompkins in New York in 2007.
American Vistas (Presorted Standard) These two stamps depicting stylized, minimalist scenes of mountains and a beach are intended for professional mail. The stamps feature screen prints made by DKNG Studios from vector illustrations and were designed by USPS Art Director Greg Breeding.
The Appalachian Trail Covering nearly 2,200 miles of trails along one of the oldest mountain ranges on Earth, the century-old Appalachian National Scenic Trail provides easy access to large areas metropolitan areas of the East Coast. The Appalachian Trail is maintained by a network of volunteer clubs, led by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, a nonprofit organization. This set of 15 stamps includes a photographic view of each of the 14 states along the trail from Maine to Georgia, with an additional stamp showing sections of trail through dense forest. Antonio Alcal, USPS art director, designed the stamps with images from various photographers.
Vibrant Leaves (Postcard Rate) Evoking the colorful sights of a seasonal walk in the woods, photographs on five new postcard stamps depict leaves from trees found throughout the United States. Antonio Alcal, USPS art director, designed the stamps.
Dahlias Radiating warmth, vitality and cheerfulness, dahlias are popular additions to backyard gardens and formal settings. This issue includes 10 close-up photographs of dahlia flowers available in booklets of 20 stamps and in reels of 3K and 10K stamps. Greg Breeding, USPS art director, designed the stamps using photographs by Denise Ippolito.
American Flag Conveniently available in many formats, this stamp continues a long tradition of honoring the stars and stripes. Antonio Alcal, USPS art director, designed the stamp with photography by Doug Haight.
Schooner (Stamped Card) New designs of stamped cards are issued every few years for customers who wish to send postcards with postage already included. The last features an illustration of a two-masted ship based on a photo of a 2014 replica of the 1923 schooner Columbia. Libby VanderPloeg was the artist and Antonio Alcal provided art direction.
Luna Moth (Non-Machineable Overprint) This new stamp for irregularly sized envelopes features a moth (Actias luna), considered one of the most beautiful moths in the United States. Artist Joseph Scheer created this composite image using a high-resolution scanner with extended focus to capture multiple layers of a preserved butterfly. Derry Noyes, USPS art director, designed the stamp.
Baby Wild Animals Offering whimsical, eye-catching designs for letters and cards, these 10 stamps feature baby wild animals from across the United States, with visual elements suggesting the habitat or behavior of each. Tracy Walker designed and created the artwork by digitally superimposing colored shapes onto solid backgrounds. Greg Breeding provided artistic direction.
Betty White American television icon, Betty White (1922-2021) shared her wit and warmth with viewers for seven decades, including roles on “The Golden Girls” and “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” The comedic actress, who gained younger generations of fans as she entered the '90s, was also revered as a compassionate animal advocate. Dale Stephanos created the digital illustration from a 2010 photograph by Kwaku Alston. Greg Breeding, USPS art director, designed the stamp.
Winter Landscapes Available in booklets of 20, these five stamps feature photographs of iconic winter landscapes from across the country. Ethel Kessler, USPS art director, designed the stamps using images from various photographers.
Postal Products Customers can purchase stamps and other philatelic products through the Postal Shop at, by calling 844-737-7826, by mail through USA Philatelic, or at select post offices nationwide. For officially licensed stamp products, purchase the USPS Officially Licensed Collection on Amazon. The stories behind the stamps and more are available at
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