US election updates: Loyalty trumps all as Kennedy vies for Health Department | US elections 2024

Donald Trump nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Department of Health and Human Services and picked government positions for members of his own legal team in the latest round of appointments to his most loyal supporters. faithful, despite persistent criticism.
Public health experts have warned that RFK Jr's choice on Thursday could cost lives because of his refusal to be vaccinated and his notorious support of conspiracy theories. His role still needs to be confirmed by the Senate, and some senators have already expressed doubt that some of Trump's nominees will garner enough votes despite a Republican majority in the chamber.
Two members of Trump's legal team, Todd Blanche and Dean John Sauer, were named deputy attorney general and solicitor general, respectively. Trump has nominated Jay Clayton, who chaired the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) during Trump's first term, for U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.
Trump's nominee for attorney general, Matt Gaetz, continued to draw criticism from fellow Republicans, with Republican Sen. John Cornyn joining Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin in calling for a report on Trump's sexual misconduct allegations. Gaetz that he denies sharing with the Senate. . Republican Kevin McCarthy, who was ousted as House speaker last year in a Gaetz-backed putsch, said the former congressman would not be confirmed as attorney general.
The whirlwind of nominations this week has some wondering whether Trump's 2024 picks are more extreme than the ones he chose in 2016. Here's a look at their rankings so far.
Here's what else happened on Thursday:
News and updates on the Trump transition
The FBI should investigate Gaetz and Tulsi Gabbard before they are confirmed to their cabinet posts, said former Trump national security adviser John Bolton. Gabbard, whom Trump named director of national intelligence, is known for her tolerant views toward Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Elon Musk reportedly met with Iran's ambassador to the United Nations on Monday and discussed how to defuse tensions between Iran and the United States, two Iranian officials told the New York Times. As Trump prepares to address conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, Musk, the world's richest man, has joined talks with foreign officials, establishing himself as the country's most influential civilian in January .
Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are looking for Americans who are high-IQ revolutionaries in small government and who are willing to work 80+ hours a week to join their new department, without pay. Trump nominated Musk to co-lead the newly created Department of Government Efficiency, which sits outside the federal government.
Advocates urged state governments to find new ways to defend immigrants and block Trump's mass deportation plan. California protected many non-citizen residents from deportation during Trump's first term, but immigrant rights groups warn that an aggressive, multi-pronged response will be necessary.
Democratic lawmaker to file motion specifically mentioning that Trump can only serve two terms, after the president-elect joked that he would be willing to serve an unconstitutional third term as president during his meeting with Republicans of the House on Wednesday.
Trump announced his former Georgia congressman Doug Collins as veterans affairs secretary. Collins ran for Senate in 2020, finishing third in the primary. He also advised Trump in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, as Trump sought to challenge the election results in Georgia.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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