Israel steps up attacks on Lebanon as officials study US ceasefire plan | Israel attacks Lebanon

The Israeli army carried out air raids on the suburbs of Beirut for the fourth day in a row as Lebanese officials studied a US cease-fire plan.
Israeli airstrikes razed five buildings in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital on Friday. One of them was located near one of Beirut's busiest intersections, Tayouneh.
The Israeli military said its warplanes attacked ammunition warehouses, a headquarters and other infrastructure used by the Lebanese group Hezbollah.
Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr reported from Beirut that the Israeli army had issued two forced evacuation orders before the attacks.
[Residents] are forced to leave their homes only to see the strikes coming and wonder whether or not they have a home to return to. There were no casualties because many people left the area and thanks to these evacuation orders, she explained.
Human rights groups have criticized these forced evacuation orders, saying that most of the time they do not give people enough time to leave, Khodr added.
Meanwhile, Iran-aligned Hezbollah said it fired rockets at a group of Israeli soldiers at Misgav Am and Yiftah barracks in northern Israel.
The Lebanese armed group said in a statement posted on Telegram that it also attacked another group of Israeli soldiers with rockets on the eastern outskirts of the Lebanese town of Markaba.
Hezbollah also said it attacked Israeli soldiers in Sasa and Dishon in northern Israel.
The Israeli army intensified its attacks on Lebanon in late September after nearly a year of cross-border hostilities with the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah alongside the war in Gaza. He says he wants to guarantee the return home of tens of thousands of Israelis, forced to evacuate northern Israel under fire from Hezbollah.
Israeli attacks on Lebanon have forced more than a million Lebanese to flee their homes, triggering a humanitarian crisis.
It dealt serious blows to Hezbollah, killing its leader Hassan Nasrallah and other commanders. Hezbollah has continued its rocket attacks against Israel and its fighters are confronting Israeli troops in the south.
Ceasefire talks
Diplomacy trying to achieve a ceasefire showed tentative signs of progress this week.
The Reuters news agency reported on Thursday that the US ambassador to Lebanon presented a draft ceasefire proposal to Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, citing two senior political sources. Berri is supported by Hezbollah to negotiate and met senior Iranian official Ali Larijani on Friday. The AFP news agency reported that senior Lebanese officials were reviewing the US proposal.
A senior Iranian official said Friday that Iran would support any decision Lebanon makes in truce talks, signaling that Tehran wants to see an end to the conflict.
When asked at a press conference if he had come to Beirut to undermine the US truce plan, Larijani replied: “We are not looking to sabotage anything. We are looking for a solution to the problems.
We support the Lebanese government in all circumstances. Those disrupting are Netanyahu and his people, Larijani added, referring to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
World powers have said a ceasefire in Lebanon must be based on U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701, which ended a previous 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel. Its conditions require Hezbollah to move its weapons and fighters north of the Litani River, which flows about 20 km north of the border.
Israel demanded freedom to attack if Hezbollah violated an agreement, a demand Lebanon rejected.
In a meeting with Larijani, Lebanon's interim Prime Minister Najib Mikati called for supporting the Lebanese position on the implementation of Resolution 1701 and called this a priority, as was stopping the Israeli aggression, according to a statement from his office.
Larijani stressed that Iran supports any decision taken by the government, especially Resolution 1701, the statement said.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, Eli Cohen, Israel's energy minister and member of its security cabinet, told Reuters that prospects for a ceasefire were the most promising since the conflict began.
At least 3,386 people have been killed and 14,417 injured in Israeli attacks on Lebanon since October 2023.
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