What RFK Jr Could Do on Vaccines, Fluoride and US Medicines

Trump names vaccine skeptic RFK Jr as health secretary
President-elect Donald Trump has announced he wants to nominate vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The position has a broad mandate across the U.S. healthcare industry, including food safety, pharmaceuticals, public health and immunization.
If his position is confirmed by the U.S. Senate, he would be in charge of key health agencies, with about 80,000 employees and a multibillion-dollar budget.
RFK Jr has long expressed views contradictory to scientific evidence, particularly on vaccines, and his nomination has drawn opposition from public health experts.
But he has also taken positions with popular support, scrutinizing the use of food additives and calling for curbing the power of big pharmaceutical companies.
The nephew of President JFK, he ran for the White House himself as an independent, but dropped out and supported Trump.
As secretary, Kennedy would be responsible for huge agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services .
This is where he positions himself on vaccines, food, fluoride and health agencies.
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The vast majority of health experts defend vaccinations for their long history of success: They protect against dangerous diseases and even eradicate deadly smallpox.
But as founder of the anti-vaccine group Children's Health Defense, Kennedy spread debunked claims about vaccines for nearly two decades.
In recent years, he has gained notoriety in the United States for his discredited claim that childhood vaccinations are linked to autism.
But he has repeatedly denied being anti-vaccination and claims to have vaccinated his own children.
Kennedy said that if he joined the Trump administration, he would want to review government data on vaccine safety and share his findings with the public.
However, he recently denied wanting to block or ban vaccinations.
“If vaccines work for someone, I'm not going to take them away. People should have a choice, and that choice should be informed by the best information,” he told NBC News last week.
Stock prices of vaccine makers like Moderna, Pfizer and Merck fell after Trump announced his choice.
Food and pharmaceutical
In announcing Kennedy's nomination, Trump said Americans have for too long been “crushed” by food and drug companies engaging in “deception, misinformation and misinformation.”
Kennedy has long blamed the food and drug industries — and the regulators who oversee them — for Americans' poor health. He said he wants to reform control systems for pesticides, herbicides, food additives and pharmaceuticals.
He called for a ban on food colors and additives, regularly citing European regulatory standards.
“We have 1,000 ingredients in our food that are illegal in Europe and other countries and they are making our children sick,” he said in an interview with NBC News. “They are there because of the corruption in our agencies.”
An FDA spokesperson told the BBC there was a need to “dig deeper and understand the context behind the numbers” when comparing estimates of authorized chemicals between the US and Europe .
Both “generally apply the same basic science approach to safety assessment when evaluating the safety of chemicals in foods,” according to the FDA spokesperson.
“Different regulatory definitions and different methodologies can influence results. Without clarity, comparisons can be misleading,” the official added.
Last month, Kennedy accused the FDA on what advances humanity. health and cannot be patented.
He said those who were “part of this corrupt system” should be ready to “pack their bags”.
Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been touted as miracle cures for Covid, but these claims have not been supported by science.
Fluoride in water
Kennedy recently pledged to eliminate fluoride — a cavity-fighting mineral — from U.S. drinking water, which about two-thirds of Americans have in their water supply.
Although it was a decision made by state and local health officials, Kennedy said on X earlier this month that “the Trump White House will advise all U.S. water systems to eliminate fluoride from public water.
He alleged that the chemical found in toothpaste and regularly used by dentists “is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders and thyroid diseases.
The U.S. Public Health Service reduced the amount of fluoride it recommended adding to water in 2015, but the federal government has encouraged states since the 1960s to add small amounts of the chemical with water to help prevent cavities and improve oral health.
Recent court rulings have led to a reduction in fluoride in water in the United States, and some experts have questioned its continued need in water systems, given its wide availability in toothpaste and other dental products.
Most Western European countries do not add fluoride to their water. In England, around one in ten people drink fluoridated water.
However, removing it altogether could still pose a challenge, as the federal government does not have final authority over this decision.
Fire hundreds of health officials
Kennedy has long argued that chronic health problems have worsened due to inaction by federal health agencies.
He told a rally in Arizona earlier this month that he planned to fire and replace 600 employees at the NIH — which oversees vaccine research — as soon as Trump takes the White House.
The longtime attorney also said last month that he intends to “fire every nutrition scientist” in the Health and Agriculture departments on day one of the Trump presidency because he alleges that they are co-opted by corporate interests.
He also reportedly intends to take a serious look at those who work at other health agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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