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Trump transition team compiles list of current and former US military officers who could face court-martial

Trump transition team compiles list of current and former US military officers who could face court-martial


Trump's transition team is compiling a list of current and former U.S. military officers who were directly involved in the Afghanistan withdrawal and exploring the possibility of court-martialing them for their involvement, official says American and a person close to the plan. .

Officials working on the transition are considering creating a commission to investigate the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, including collecting information on who was directly involved in military decision-making, how it was carried out and whether military leaders could be eligible. charges as serious as treason, said the U.S. official and no one familiar with the plan.

They are taking this very seriously, the person familiar with the plan said.

Trump's transition team did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Matt Flynn, former deputy secretary of defense for counternarcotics and global threats, is helping to lead the effort, the sources said. This is an examination of how the United States first entered the war in Afghanistan and how it ultimately withdrew.

A military transport plane takes off as Afghans who cannot access the airport to evacuate are stranded in Kabul, Afghanistan, 2021. Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times via Getty Imag

President-elect Donald Trump condemned the withdrawal as a humiliation and the most embarrassing day in our nation's history.

It is unclear, however, what would legally justify treason charges since the military officers were following President Joe Biden's orders to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

A 2022 independent review by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction blamed the Trump and Biden administrations for the chaotic 2021 U.S. withdrawal.

Trump first reached a deal with the Taliban in 2020 to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan, about 13,000 troops, and release 5,000 Taliban fighters from prison. The Biden administration subsequently completed the withdrawal and vastly overestimated the ability of Afghan government forces to fight the Taliban on their own.

Trump's pick for defense secretary, Fox News personality Pete Hegseth, criticized the withdrawal, saying the United States lost the war and wasted billions of dollars.

In his book The War on Warriors, Hegseth writes: “The next president of the United States must radically overhaul the senior leadership of the Pentagon to prepare us to defend our nation and defeat our enemies. A lot of people need to be laid off. The debacle in Afghanistan is of course the most obvious example.

Afghan applicants crowd a cafe to seek help in applying for the 2021 Special Immigrant Visa program in Kabul, Afghanistan. File Paula Bronstein/Getty Images

Hegseth calls the withdrawal a humiliating retreat and says Pentagon leaders have not been held accountable for the deadly Abbey Gate attack, which killed 13 U.S. service members and about 170 Afghan civilians. They were also not held responsible for a subsequent U.S. airstrike in Kabul that officials said would kill the leader of the Islamic State group behind the suicide bombing, but which killed 10 innocent Afghans , including seven children, he wrote.

These generals lied. They managed it badly. They violated their oath. They failed. They dishonored our troops and our nation. They killed people needlessly, he writes. And for now, they keep their jobs. Worse yet, they continue to actively erode our military and its values ​​by capitulating to civilians with radical agendas. They are embarrassing, with still stars on their shoulders.

The transition team is exploring the possibility of recalling several active-duty commanders for possible charges, the U.S. official said.

It is unclear whether the Trump administration will pursue treason charges and may instead focus on less serious charges that highlight the officers' involvement. They want to lead by example, the person with knowledge of the plan said.

Taliban fighters storm into Kabul International Airport, brandishing U.S.-supplied weapons, equipment and uniforms after the U.S. military completed its withdrawal, in Kabul, Afghanistan, August 31, 2021. Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images file

Speaking to NBC News days before the election, Howard Lutnick, one of two advisers leading the transition, said Trump learned after his first administration that he had hired Democratic generals and that he would not make this mistake again.

Former officials who worked in Trump's first administration said they advised Trump against policies they believed would weaken U.S. national security, such as withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria. And they have advised against actions that they say could violate the Constitution or inflame tensions domestically, such as deploying active-duty U.S. troops to quell protests after the police killing of George Floyd in 2020.




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