Biden authorizes Ukraine to strike Russia with US-supplied long-range missiles

President Joe Biden has authorized Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied long-range weapons in Russia for limited strikes, according to two U.S. officials.
Long-standing restrictions are being eased as North Korea deployed thousands of troops to Russia's Kursk region to support Russian troops fighting Ukrainian forces.
The new authority applies to Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, which Ukrainian officials have requested from the Biden administration. U.S. officials had resisted, citing concerns about the limited stockpile, the repositioning of Russian assets beyond ATACMS's reach, and the fact that Ukraine was successfully using other assets, primarily drones, making ATACMS less critical for combat.
President Joe Biden at the White House on October 4. Andrew Harnik/Getty Images
But Biden officials have condemned the North Korean deployment as a possible extension of the war. ATACMS could be used in Kursk and its surroundings.
The Defense Department and the White House declined to comment.
Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., ranking member of the Armed Services Committee, said in a statement that he is encouraged by the decision but that it does not excuse the administrations' deliberate slowness on the articles and assistance long authorized by Congress. to use against Putin's illegal aggression.
Rep. Mike Turner, Republican of Ohio, chairman of the Intelligence Committee, also applauded the decision in a statement but called it late.
Ukraine cannot defend itself properly if one hand is tied behind its back, he said.
Wickers and Turners' offices said in statements that they had asked the Biden administration to remove restrictions on the full use of ATACMS.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and President-elect Donald Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., both criticized the decision, suggesting it could lead to World War III.
As he leaves office, Joe Biden is dangerously attempting to start World War III by authorizing Ukraine to use long-range U.S. missiles against Russia, Greene said on X. The American people gave Nov. 5 a mandate against these latest exact decisions of America and will not do so. I do NOT want to finance or fight foreign wars.
In May, Biden secretly authorized Ukraine to use U.S. weapons to strike Russia just across the border. At the time, Ukraine was prohibited from using longer-range weapons to strike deeper into the country, sources told NBC News.
The change in US policy comes at the end of Biden's term. Trump has pledged to limit U.S. support for Ukraine and end its war with Russia.
The United States has provided $175 billion in aid to Ukraine, more than any other country, making its support crucial to Ukraine's defense against Russia. Withdrawal of support could deal a major blow to Ukraine's ability to resist Russian attacks.
Russia launched a barrage of missiles into Ukraine on Sunday, killing at least seven people and severely damaging power infrastructure.
Courtney Kube
Monica Alba
Julie Tsirkin and Elyse Perlmutter-Gumbiner contributed.
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