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UK snow warning live: More snow expected to fall in the UK this evening as police search for missing teenager

UK snow warning live: More snow expected to fall in the UK this evening as police search for missing teenager


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More snow is set to fall this evening and overnight as the Met Office warns of further travel disruption across the UK.

Up to 20cm of snow is expected to fall in parts of Wales, northern England, Northern Ireland and Scotland, with icy conditions expected across the country.

A 16-year-old boy has disappeared in the cold on Scotland's Isle of Lewis, with helicopters and police desperately searching for him.

Aleksandr Benga was last seen wearing a jumper and jeans near the watermill on the grounds of Lews Castle at around 8.45am on Monday.

Drivers were thrown into chaos, train services were canceled and more than 200 schools were forced to close on Tuesday.

The National Highway warned of snowfall in parts of the north-east and north-west, with 10 to 15 cm of snow expected to fall on some highways.

Meanwhile, National Rail warned that cold weather would affect various routes on Northern Rail throughout the afternoon.

According to local authorities, at least 141 schools closed in Wales, 50 in the West Midlands, 11 in Scotland and 19 in Derbyshire.

16-year-old boy goes missing on frozen Scottish island

A 16-year-old boy has disappeared in sub-zero temperatures on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland, with helicopters and police desperately searching for him.

Aleksandr Benga was last seen wearing a jumper and jeans near the watermill on the grounds of Lews Castle at around 8.45am on Monday.

The Stornoway Coastguard Helicopter, local Coastguard teams and the RNLI's Stornoway Lifeboat are involved in the search for him.

Police Sergeant Liam Coleman said: We are increasingly concerned about Aleksandr's welfare and would ask if anyone knows where he can contact us.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident 0803 of Monday 18 November 2024.

Alexander Butler19 Nov 2024 15:13

Why are schools closed when it snows?

Schools are only permitted to close in exceptional circumstances, the Department for Education said. However, it is the principal who makes the decisions.

Headteachers consider not only how safe the route to school is, but also the safety of the site itself. Staff often travel much further and in all directions than students, so the area considered is larger than some parents think.

Even if snow appears safe in the morning, schools may close if conditions are expected to get much worse.

Alexander ButlerNovember 19, 2024 13:00

Alexander Butler19 Nov 2024 12:45

Tips for driving on icy roads

It is safer not to drive in heavy snow or on icy roads. But if you must drive, here are some tips to keep yourself and others safe.

Use dipped headlights Accelerate gently, use low revs, and shift to a higher gear as quickly as possible. Starting in second gear will help with wheel slip. Maintain a safe and steady pace. Keep your distance from other vehicles. Maintain a steady speed on hills. Leave plenty of space between vehicles. When going down hills, use a lower gear and avoid braking unless necessary. Do not hold the steering wheel with your hands or apply hard brakes.

Alexander ButlerNovember 19, 2024 12:30

Meteorological Administration warns of possible winter danger all week

Neil Armstrong, chief meteorologist at the Met Office, said: With cold Arctic air firmly entrenched over the UK, the winter risk is likely to continue throughout this week and there is likely to be a further update on warnings in the coming days.

The current focus for the upcoming snow and ice risk is late Tuesday night into Wednesday, with snow showers likely to move off the leeward coast to the north and east and into parts of Northern Ireland and Wales.

More than 10 cm of snow may accumulate in highlands within the warning area, and 1 to 2 cm may accumulate in low areas, which may hinder travel. Ice is an additional hazard and is likely to form quickly on untreated surfaces.

Alexander Butler19 Nov 2024 11:52

Photo: Aerial view of snow-covered villages and towns Aerial view of Chatsworth, Derbyshire, covered in snow on Tuesday morning (Getty Images) Aerial view of Buxton, Derbyshire, after snowfall on Tuesday morning (AFP via Getty Images) Aerial view of Staffordshire covered in snow Church and cemetery in Kiel (Getty Images)

Alexander ButlerNovember 19, 2024 11:33

Alexander ButlerNovember 19, 2024 10:59

Photo: A family walk past a snow-covered church A family walk past a snow-covered St. John's Parish Church on a Tuesday morning (Getty Images)

Alexander Butler19 Nov 2024 10:49

More snow expected as first winter showers seen across UK

Alexander Butler19 Nov 2024 10:15

Rail: Long delays and cancellations due to bad weather.

Rail services in North Wales, as well as the East Midlands and northern England, were hit by the bad weather.

Northern Trains has reduced services across the Pennines and West Yorkshire has been particularly affected.

Fewer trains are running between Hebden Bridge and Halifax, and the Halifax to Hull link starts at Bradford Interchange.

In Cumbria, trains from Manchester Airport to Barrow-in-Furness via Lancaster are being delayed due to flooding in the Ulverston area.

There are no trains running between Nottingham and Worksop, with services expected to be disrupted until 12 noon. Rail replacement buses have been supplied but delays of up to an hour are expected.

Due to bad weather there will be no trains at all between Llandudno and Blaenau Ffestiniog on Tuesday. Buses will run instead.

Simon CalderNovember 19, 2024 10:10




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