School closures: Schools closed across England due to snow warning

At least 74 schools were closed today after the Met Office issued three yellow snow and ice warnings.
The Met Office warned of “devastating” conditions across the West Midlands, Greater Manchester, North Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Thousands of students have already been affected by freezing temperatures, with several schools closed for the day.
Parts of Yorkshire were forced into lockdown after heavy snowfall was announced, while parts of Oxfordshire were shut down due to electricity and water supply issues.
Schools across England have been closed as snow wreaks havoc after the Met Office extended its triple weather warning.
PA/MET Office
Pupils in Berkshire, Herefordshire and Nottinghamshire also had their schools closed.
Parents are encouraged to check online to see if their child's school has been affected by the severe weather.
Schools have been closed after the Met Office warned parts of Scotland could see up to 20cm of snow.
The National Meteorological Office said: “Snow and hail showers will affect northern Scotland at times, tapering off overnight from Monday night through most of Tuesday and overnight into Wednesday morning. Between 2 and 5 cm of snow could fall. “Quite widespread accumulations of up to 10 cm in some places and 15 to 20 cm above 300 meters are likely by the end of Tuesday.”
Latest developments:
The Met Office has issued three weather warnings.
metropolitan office
Which schools are closed today?
The Piece Hall School, HalifaxNorth Halifax Grammar School, HalifaxOrion Academy, OxfordBishopswood School, ReadingSonning Common Primary School, ReadingWigmore Primary School, HerefordshireWigmore High School, HerefordshireEarl Mortimer College, HerefordshireAmbleside Primary School, NottinghamshireThe Garibaldi School, NottinghamshireArnold View Primary School, NottinghamshireAll Saints College, Yorkshire Castle Hill School, YorkshireRavenshall School; YorkshireSouthgate School, YorkshireWoodley School and College, YorkshireHollinsclough CE Academy, Stoke-on-TrentCEDARS, Stoke-on-TrentLoxley Hall School, Stoke-on-TrentIpstones School, Stoke-on-TrentIlam Primary School, Stoke-on-TrentAbbey Green Nursery, BrafdordStanbury Village School, BrafdordTreuddyn, Ysgol Terrig, WalesBuckley, Westwood Community Primary School, WalesBuckley, Mountain Lane Primary School, WalesArgoed High School, WalesBuckley, Elfed High School, WalesHawarden High School, WalesBryn Tirion (Plas Derwen), WalesBuckley, Southdown Primary School, WalesConnahs Quay High School, WalesAlun School, WalesSealand CP School, WalesYsgol Maes Garmon , WalesCaerwys, Ysgol yr Esgob CW Voluntary Aided School, WalesMynydd Isa, Ysgol Mynydd Isa, WalesCilcain, Ysgol y Foel, WalesTrelogan, Ysgol Trelogan, WalesGronant, Ysgol Gronant, WalesFlint, St Richard Gwyn Catholic High School, WalesWhitford, Ysgol y Llan Church of Wales Voluntary Aid Primary School, WalesHoward, Fe. Nallagh Primary School, WalesFlint High School, WalesPenyffordd, Ysgol Penyffordd, WalesNorthop Hall CP School, WalesMold, Ysgol Gymraeg Glanrafon, WalesMold, St Davids Catholic Primary School, WalesHope, Ysgol Estyn, WalesSaltney, Wood Memorial CP School, WalesBrynford, Ysgol Brynffordd, WalesQueensferry Primary School, WalesYsgol Treffynnon, WalesHope, Castell Alun High School, WalesShotton, St. Ethelwolds Church in Wales Voluntary Aided School, WalesHawarden Village Church School, WalesMold, Bryn Gwalia, WalesHolywell, Ysgol Maes y Felin, WalesPenyffordd, Ysgol Bryn Garth, WalesConnahs Quay, Bryn Deva, WalesSaltney, St Anthonys Catholic Primary School, WalesCarmel , Ysgol Bro Carmel, WalesDrury Primary School, WalesConnahs Quay, Wales Wepre Primary School, WalesLixwm Primary School, WalesNannerch VC Primary School, WalesNorthop, Ysgol Owen Jones, WalesNercwys, St. Petersburg, Wales. St. Marys Nercwys Church, WalesShotton, Venerable Edward Morgan Catholic Primary, WalesLeeswood, Ysgol Derwenfa, WalesGreenfield, Ysgol Maesglas, WalesSouth Darley CE Primary School, DerbyshireBrackenfield Special School, Long Eaton, DerbyshireCoppice Primary School and Nursery, Derbyshire
Transportation networks were also affected by the snow.
The warning, issued at 4pm yesterday and will remain in place until 10am tomorrow, comes after two snow and ice warnings were also issued affecting the West Midlands, North Wales, North West and Northern Ireland. .
East Midlands Railway also canceled services between Nottingham and Worksop early this morning.
An EMR spokesperson said: “Due to adverse weather conditions we are unable to run trains in both directions on the Nottingham / Mansfield Woodhouse / Worksop line.”
The Met Office added the following about how snow could affect travel: “Snow and ice are likely to cause disruption and difficult travel conditions.”
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