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Ukraine fires UK-supplied Storm Shadow missiles at targets in Russia | world news

Ukraine fires UK-supplied Storm Shadow missiles at targets in Russia | world news


A source told Sky News that Ukraine fired British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles at Russia.

Britain and Ukraine have yet to confirm the use of long-range weapons in Russia, but their deployment has been widely reported in the British media.

A video was reportedly posted on Telegram showing the remains of one of the missiles in Russia's Kursk region, which borders Ukraine.

Image: Storm Shadow cruise missile on display in June 2023. Photo: AP

War in Ukraine: Follow the latest updates

Britain has previously said British tanks, anti-tank missiles and other military equipment could be used inside Russia as part of Ukraine's defense, but has maintained restrictions on the use of long-range missiles.

This comes just days after US President Joe Biden approved the same policy shift.

The Russian Defense Ministry said Tuesday that Ukraine fired six US-supplied Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) in the Bryansk region.

The Russian state news agency, citing the Ministry of Defense, said there were no casualties from the missile attack.

Missiles will have 'little effect'

Sky News security and defense editor Deborah Haynes said Ukraine's allies had been pursuing an ambiguous strategy and “it remains to be seen whether we will receive official confirmation of this from the UK or Ukraine.”

“There is also the uncomfortable reality that Ukraine’s stockpile of Storm Shadow missiles is severely limited, making their use minimal.”

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2:58 From 2023: What are Storm Shadow missiles?

Embassy closed due to air raid fears

Meanwhile, Sky military analyst Sean Bell said it would be surprising if the attack was the first time Ukraine had used such missiles to attack inside Russia.

“I would be very surprised if it is not used for selected targets in the future. [into Russia] “Because they are… very effective in attacking Russian logistics hubs, headquarters and ammunition depots,” he said.

Earlier, the U.S. and some Western embassies in Kiev were closed amid concerns that Russia was preparing large-scale airstrikes against the Ukrainian capital.

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Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has been asking allies in Kiev to give his troops the ability to strike deeper behind Russian lines.

Mr. Biden's policy shift is linked to a shift in tactics in Russia, which has begun deploying North Korean ground troops to supplement its own forces.

The White House is expected to announce up to $275 million (£217 million) in additional military aid to Ukraine, the US Secretary of Defense has said.

Lloyd Austin said the support would “meet critical battlefield requirements” and would include munitions for rocket systems, artillery and tank weapons, along with anti-personnel mines.

Russian politician Maria Butina and Donald Trump Jr., the son of US President-elect Donald Trump, warned that Biden's decision on Ukraine's use of long-range missiles could trigger the start of World War III.

President Vladimir Putin lowered the standards required to use nuclear weapons after the U.S. action, adding to concerns that the conflict could escalate.




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