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Russia, US vie for advantage in Ukraine war ahead of Trump's return

Russia, US vie for advantage in Ukraine war ahead of Trump's return


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Russia has resumed large-scale missile strikes on Ukraine as it seeks to maximize its military advantage

Within days, US President Joe Biden's administration and Russia took separate – but significant – steps aimed at influencing the outcome of the war in Ukraine, two months before Donald Trump returns to the White House.

There is a sense that Moscow is maximizing its gains and that Biden is abandoning long-standing red lines before Trump seeks to make good on his claim to end the war in 24 hours.

Ukraine has already followed through on Biden's decision to let kyiv fire the first long-range ATACMS missiles deep into Russian territory. As kyiv struggles to hold on to its territory in the east, Biden has promised to also send anti-personnel mines.

What prompted Biden to change his mind appears to have been the arrival of thousands of North Koreans deployed to the front line, which the United States considers a massive escalation.

But Russian President Vladimir Putin has further increased tension by relaxing the conditions for the use of Russian nuclear weapons. This effectively eliminates defeat on the battlefield, Moscow claims.

One Russian commentator suggested that Putin might view the current situation as an in-between moment that would make him feel he has the upper hand in Ukraine.

South Korean Ministry of Defense via Getty Images

The US Atacms missile system can hit targets at a range of 190 miles (300 km)

Earlier this week, Russia launched its largest air attack on Ukraine in almost three months. Faced with fears of a new strike on Wednesday, several Western embassies closed their doors.

“Everything is connected,” says Mykhaylo Samus, head of Ukraine’s new geopolitics research network. He claims that Russia has been stockpiling hundreds of Iskander and Kinzhal missiles for weeks to enable it to carry out strikes and thus send a psychological message before the transfer of power to Washington DC.

The Ukrainian capital, kyiv, may have been spared Wednesday, but the message got through.

First of all, it is about preparing a strong position for negotiations with Trump, understanding that Russia will not compromise and that everything depends on him. [Ukraine’s President Volodymyr] Zelensky.

There is clearly an effort ahead of Trump to maximize his position, acknowledges Jade McGlynn, of the department of war studies at Kings College London. She is very skeptical that a deal with Vladimir Putin is possible – and that his ultimate goal is to subjugate Russia's southern neighbor.

Ukraine on Tuesday marked the 1,000th day of Russia's full-scale invasion, with Russian forces carrying out relentless attacks in a bid to seize key hubs in eastern Ukraine.

The mood in Moscow seems to be that it is only a matter of time before Ukraine is in its hands, says Tatiana Stanovaya of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center.

But starting in January, Putin will have to take other factors into account, she said: He will have to deal with the fact that Trump is now responsible for the situation. If Putin escalates, the chances of reaching a deal could worsen. It will have to be more flexible, more open to different options.

Biden's decision to allow kyiv to begin firing ATACMS into Russian territory was clearly aimed at helping kyiv, but it was also resented by Trump's entourage.

Although Trump has said nothing so far, his choice for national security adviser, Mike Waltz, has spoken of a new step toward escalation and no one knows where that will lead.

He didn't go as far as some members of the Trump team. Donald Trump Jr complained that Biden was trying to start World War III before his father could even return to the White House.

“There’s one president at a time,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said. “When the next president takes office, he will be able to make his own decisions.

Some Republicans supported Biden's decision, although Sen. Lindsay Graham said he should have done it to help Ukraine and was playing politics with it.

Russia's reaction may not be an empty threat.

Under its revised nuclear doctrine, Moscow will now be able to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries backed by nuclear powers, and also in the event of a massive air attack.

Alexander Ermakov of the Russian International Affairs Council says the change is not so much an operational manual for the use of nuclear weapons, but primarily serves as a statement to potential adversaries, outlining scenarios in which such measures could be considered.

Another message from Putin to the West therefore.

Tatiana Stanovaya believes that this is not because he wants to start World War III, but because he believes he needs to scare Western elites into showing that they are playing with fire.

What will happen beyond January is anyone's guess.

Kremlin insiders have already begun to take stock of their minimum demands for any Trump initiative to end the war, and Volodymyr Zelensky has also begun to make his position clear.

Asked in a US television interview what would happen to Ukraine if Washington cut military aid, he was clear: “If they cut, I think we'll lose. Of course, anyway, We will stay and we will fight. We have the production, but that is not enough to win.”

Putin insists that Ukraine will have to remain neutral for any relationship to work, even though membership in NATO and the European Union are now part of Ukraine's constitution.

A Reuters news agency report published Wednesday cited Russian officials as saying Putin might be willing to withdraw from relatively small patches of territory, but nothing larger.

Zelensky presented his 10-point resilience plan to parliament on Tuesday, and one message of defiance resonated louder than most in the Verkhovna Rada.

Perhaps Ukraine will have to outlast someone in Moscow to achieve all of its goals… to restore the full integrity of Ukraine.

In other words, one day Russia would be without Putin, but Ukraine would go nowhere.

For the Ukrainians, this wait could take years, believes Mykhaylo Samus, but they will never agree to abandon Crimea or any other territory under Russian occupation.

The best Zelensky might be willing to sign would be a no-strings-attached ceasefire, he believes. Any other solution would lead to internal conflict, as many would see it as a betrayal.

Before any discussion, Mykola Bielieskov, of the National Institute for Strategic Studies in kyiv, believes that the key is to prevent any major Russian breakthrough in the East.

For us it is just necessary to locate [Russian] advances using Atacms, antipersonnel landmines or others. Because if the Russians succeed, they will try to dictate their terms.

Speaking to the BBC from Kharkiv, Jade McGlynn said few Ukrainians believed Trump would be able to secure a lasting peace deal.

Any type of settlement that left Ukraine in a much worse situation would lead to political chaos, she said.

Europe needs to step up its efforts, she said, and ultimately we know that the Scandinavian countries, the Baltic states and Poland are not enough.




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