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MAFS UK's Nathan is 'heartbroken and disappointed' after Lacey split

MAFS UK's Nathan is 'heartbroken and disappointed' after Lacey split


Married at First Sight star Nathan said he was “very disappointed and heartbroken” over his split from Lacey.

The 24-year-old engineer told Yahoo UK: “I have a lot of respect and care for Lacey. We both wanted different things. I went on the show to find love and sometimes things didn't work out, but it all worked out. Things happen for a reason, and I am so thankful for the time we shared together.

“I was very disappointed and heartbroken by the breakup, but I respected her decision to break up and I have nothing but love and good wishes for her,” he said.

“I wouldn’t have changed anything about the show, and I still would have chosen Lacey to be my bride despite what happened behind the scenes, and I have nothing but respect and love for her.”

Nathan and Lacey's relationship

MAFS UK groom Nathan has declared his love for Lacey to the stars. (Channel 4)

Nathan and Lacey appeared to be the strongest couple on the 2024 series of Married At First Sight UK, but split after their reunion was filmed. In their vow renewal, they declared that they loved each other 'to the stars and back' and Lacey joked that there would be very few 'Nathan juniors' at future reunions.

Although they initially struggled with communication issues, things began to change when Nathan opened up about his diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The NHS describes ADHD as a condition that affects people's behavior, causing them to be impulsive, appear anxious and have difficulty concentrating.

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After the experience, the MAFS UK groom learned a lot about the lessons of love.

Lacey and Nathan split after filming Married At First Sight UK. (Channel 4)

“I learned that I deserve someone who loves me and that I am enough to be myself,” he said. “I learned a lot from experts about how to work and that I don’t have to hide who I am.” With relationships and friendships, if you're with the right person, that person will stay and do everything with you.

“I’m proud of who I have become, and I’ve learned that my ADHD deserves love, too.”

Nathan pictured at the MAFS UK reunion. (Channel 4)

The TV star was also happy viewers could see she was on the show for the 'right reasons' – finding love.

He added, “I am overwhelmed by the love and support that many people have sent me since I appeared on the show.”

“I never pretend to be perfect, but viewers can see that I was on the show for the right reasons, the real reasons, and I wanted to find love and not the celebrity aspect.”

What's next after the split?

Nathan is moving on from a breakup. (Channel 4)

Nathan will consider his time on Celebs Go Dating as he continues his quest to find romance and a TV career.

He said, “I really enjoyed filming. It was a little burdensome at first, but I really enjoyed it. I didn't feel vulnerable in front of the camera at all, and I want to try other shows. Celebrities go on dates, but I still want to try it.” “I love Celebrity SAS.”

He added: “I love pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I've never allowed ADHD to hold me back. Sometimes it takes me a minute to warm up, but I'm loving every minute of it on camera. I did it.

Nathan filmed the 2025 Reunion for Married At First Sight UK. (Channel 4)

“I went on the show 100% to find love, but I’ve enjoyed being able to use my time on the show to do good work, work with charities and help with new businesses, and I really enjoy meeting new people.”

Gladiators, Bake Off and MasterChef would also be on Nathan's wish list. The MAFS UK groom wants to raise awareness of ADHD and bullying through his charity as well as his TV career.

Nathan is already filming his next TV project, Married At First Sight UK 2025 Reunion. He teased some big bombshells that will hit our screens next year.

Lacey and Nathan pictured together on the MAFS UK final date. (Channel 4)

He said: “There were some major revelations, many of which spilled the tea! A revelation that left everyone gasping. Old and new faces from MAFS were in the same room, and there were fireworks! I can't say too much, but “If you thought this series was dramatic, viewers will need to buckle up for this reunion.”

Married At First Sight UK 2024 is available to stream on Channel 4.




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