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Trump backs staunchly anti-Muslim Florida lawmaker to run for US Congress | Donald Trump News

Trump backs staunchly anti-Muslim Florida lawmaker to run for US Congress | Donald Trump News


United States President-elect Donald Trump is encouraging a Florida lawmaker who celebrated the killing of an American citizen by the Israeli military to run for Congress.

Trump said in a social media post Sunday that if state Sen. Randy Fine decides to run for a congressional seat in Florida, the state lawmaker would have his complete and total support.

Fine, who has a long history of anti-Muslim statements, sparked outrage earlier this year when he appeared to welcome the killing of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, an American activist who was fatally shot by the Israeli military in Occupied West Bank.

Throw stones, get shot. One less #MuslimTerror. #FireAway, Fine wrote in a social media post in September.

Eygi was participating in a peaceful protest when she was shot. Israel and the outgoing administration of US President Joe Biden have called his killing an accident.

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Fine is no friend to anyone except fascism, Rasha Mubarak, a Palestinian-American activist from Florida, told Al Jazeera.

Trump's endorsement demonstrates a growing alignment with violent and fascist elements within the capitalist class, whose interests are served by sowing division and perpetuating the rule of imperialism.

Fine often proclaims that the United States has a Muslim problem. In 2021, when a social media user told him that Palestinians were being forced from their homes by Israel, he responded: #BlowThemUp.

According to the Council on American Islam Relations (CAIR), he also sent a private message to a Florida resident saying: Go blow yourself up!

Two years earlier, Fine had called Jews who support Palestinian rights Nazi collaborators of the Judenrat.

Last year, Fine argued that fear of Muslims was justified.

Even though many Muslims are not terrorists, they are radicals, not the mainstream, he wrote in an article on correct that could kill us.

The fines office did not immediately respond to Al Jazeera's response for comment.

Over the years, CAIR has called on Florida lawmakers to censure and penalize Fine, particularly over his recent comments about the Eygis murder.

We are hard-pressed to think of another time in modern American history when an elected official openly celebrated the murder of an American by a foreign government and encouraged more such killings, CAIR Deputy Executive Director said in May. Edward Ahmed Mitchell.

Randy Fine has made it clear where his priorities lie, and it's not the priorities of the American people. We urge the Florida House of Representatives to censure him for this hateful, anti-American rant.

Despite celebrating the murder of an American woman by a foreign army, Trump described Fine as an America First Patriot.

He called for him to run for Rep. Mike Waltz's seat, who will leave his seat to serve in the White House as national security adviser.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will call a special election to fill the vacancy next year.

Fine, who previously served in the Florida House of Representatives and was recently elected to the state Senate, has not announced his candidacy, but he praised Trump's statement.

It would be the honor of my life to be one of your foot soldiers, he wrote, addressing the new president. Your confidence is immense and I will soon have news to share!

Trump himself has regularly spread anti-Muslim rhetoric, including saying that the Quran, Islam's holy book, teaches a very negative vibe and proclaiming that Islam hates us.

He also imposed a travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries during his first presidential term.

But this year, the former president softened his tone by courting Arab and Muslim voters, promising to bring peace to the Middle East.

Trump's support for Fine as well as some of his decidedly pro-Israel cabinet choices highlights the depth of his alliance with far-right forces.




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