Travel disruptions expected for Thanksgiving in the United States

A storm system is bringing more rain and snow to the mountains westward, which is expected to slow pre-Thanksgiving travel along the Interstate 5 corridor from California to Washington. Airports across the region could also face delays and cancellations due to harsh weather conditions earlier this week.
The holiday season is in full swing, and the FOX Forecast Center continues to monitor weather forecasts for Thanksgiving week, just as tens of millions of people across the United States begin traveling and gathering with their loved ones. friends and their family.
The majority of Americans from coast to coast should arrive at their Thanksgiving destination without much trouble. However, these forecasts change for the end of the week, as people prepare to return home after the festivities.
Nearly 80 million people are expected to travel 50 miles or more for Thanksgiving, with peak days falling on the Tuesday and Wednesday before the holiday and the Sunday afterward.
West Coast braces for more mountain rain and snow before Thanksgiving
This chart shows the best and worst days to travel for Thanksgiving in the West.
(FOX Weather)
The deadly multi-day atmospheric river event that hit parts of the West last week has ended. But the FOX Forecast Center continues to track the latest in a series of low pressure systems approaching the West Coast that will bring more rain and snow to the region as the busy Thanksgiving travel week begins.
Snow is expected to be limited to the higher elevations of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada, so travelers are advised to take precautions and slow down when crossing the region's mountain passes.
In the lower altitudes it will only rain. The FOX Forecast Center says nearly the entire stretch of the Interstate 5 corridor from California to Oregon and Washington looks gloomy early in the week, but weather conditions will gradually improve each day.
This chart shows forecast rain and snow totals in the West through Wednesday, November 27, 2024. (FOX Weather)
Forecasters believe the highest rain totals will be in central California, with some locations potentially receiving 5 inches of rain or more. Flash flooding does not appear to be a major problem at this time, but travelers will likely see disruptions on the roads and at airports such as Salt Lake City (SLC), Las Vegas (LAS), Los Angeles (LAX), and San . Francisco (OFS).
The system should then lead to the Rockies, where some questions remain about its evolution. The storm could strengthen and reach a new depression, increasing the chance of rain and snow across much of the Rockies.
Cities like Salt Lake City, Las Vegas and Denver are all expected to see some form of precipitation by Wednesday. Snow falling in the mountains will likely be measured in feet, while the total and impact of snow at lower elevations will largely depend on the exact track of the storm.
The FOX Forecast Center does not expect major impacts in Denver on Sunday.
Winter storm will impact Thanksgiving travel in the Northeast
The FOX Forecast Center is monitoring the possibility of a powerful winter storm hitting the Northeast this Thanksgiving, with snow possible in inland parts of the region and more rain closer to the coast along the Interstate 95 corridor, which could slow down the post-Thanksgiving period. journey.
A storm system will also move out of the Plains beginning Sunday and quickly move toward the Great Lakes region early in the new week.
The FOX Forecast Center said that unlike previous systems, this one is not expected to be as powerful.
This chart shows forecast snow totals through Wednesday, November 27, 2024. (FOX Weather)
Colder air will be held further north, limiting the chance of snow in the Great Lakes region. Michigan's Upper Peninsula will likely see the highest snow totals as lake effect snow increases.
Cities like Chicago and Milwaukee will largely avoid snow, but winds could begin to pick up as the system moves away from the region, causing delays at airports and on roadways.
These graphics show the pattern for a major winter storm that could slow travel for tens of millions of people in the East after Thanksgiving.
(FOX Weather)
The depression will continue to strengthen as it moves northeast later this week, with rain breaking out Tuesday that could slow travel times for those traveling before Thanksgiving.
Some snow is likely along Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, but rain will be the biggest impact.
Rain is expected to impact travel along the Interstate 95 corridor on the East Coast, and due to low visibility and increased winds, all major airports are likely to experience disruptions.
A cold front is also expected to sweep through the Southeast, bringing a line of rain and thunderstorms to the region through Wednesday morning. No severe weather is expected, but periods of rain could cause delays in Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina.
Freezing temperatures will grip the United States after Thanksgiving. This chart shows computer model comparisons showing a winter storm in the Northeast that could slow travel after Thanksgiving. (FOX Weather)
A larger, more powerful winter storm is then expected to sweep across the Northeast and New England on Thanksgiving Day and last through the weekend. This storm will likely have a greater impact on travel as people begin returning home after Thanksgiving.
More rain is expected along the I-95 corridor, but there are growing concerns that heavy snow could blow into inland areas of the region.
Blast The FOX Forecast Center expects the coldest air of the season to invade the United States from Canada in the days after Thanksgiving and early December.
Below-average temperatures are expected across much of the United States, and parts of the Northern Plains are expected to dip as low as -10 degrees.
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